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after a long hour of the principle showing me around i was finally ready to get a move on with my day.

"enjoy class maddison" the principle, mr debeer, smiles at me.

i just nod and start walking to my second class since i missed the first. I check my timetable and it looks like i have maths.. groan.

just as i reach the door i look down to my outfit; a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a flowy blue top with my nike high tops.. i didnt want to go overboard so i just left my brown hair straight, it flows to around the middle of my back.

i give a little knock and slowly enter the class but unfortunity the teacher has other plans..

" ahh, ms maddison, welcome! everyone this is maddison" sir says

i feel the heat rise to my cheaks as i tuck a lose strand of hair behind my ears.

"Well maddison, in this class we have a rule: you have to introduce yourself or else you have detention so better start talking." Sir says and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, he didn't notice but I hear a low chuckle at the back of the class room. My eyes glance up and I gasp as they meet a familiar pair of green eyes, he smirks and winks. Agh! Pig.

"Well, my name is maddison, but I prefer maddi.. " I begin and it feels like the entire class is staring at me.. "Umm, I like the band 5 seconds of summer." That statement caught the attention of many girls including one guy. "And running is cool, I guess" I end my 'speech'

"Well, I guess our new girl is quite boring" the teacher says causing people to laugh and I am completely furious! Fine.. If he wants me to talk then let's talk.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. obviously you wouldn't like running! I mean look at you, lay off the donuts mr-"

"Dereham" I quickly responds

"Mr Dereham.. hmm, what else would you find interesting? Oh! I love partying and I get hopelessly drunk every weekend." I say sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Is that better Mr Dereham?" I say before finding a desk next to a pretty girl and throwing my bag on the floor.

Mr Dereham's cheeks go red as he continued the lesson.

"I like you already" the girl next to me states

"Um, thank you? What is your name?" I ask with a smile on my lips

"I'm Amy!" She exclaims

During the rest of maths Amy and I talk and I realise she is absolutely fabulous! And we have so much in common!

"Agh" I groan as we sit down at a table. It's currently break..  Amy and I have so many classes together which is great and she even introduced me to her friends: Liam, niall and Kathryn but she prefers Kat. They all so funny and welcoming I love it!

But what concerns me us that they keep on saying things about a girl called Rachel.. They say she bullies a lot of people including Kat, it makes me so mad because Kat has the sweetest soul ever! And they also say she is a complete and utter bitch not to mention she is the biggest skank in the school.

"MADDI!!" Amy says while clicking her fingers in front off me to get my attention.

"Sorry I got lost in my head.. what were you saying??" I say while giggling.

"I was just warning you about harry, he is a total player. " Amy says with a serious face.

"Yea, no one knows anything about him other than Rachel is obsessed with him" Kat whispers and everyone laughs.. While everyone is laughing I look over to Kat and realise she looks scared out of her mind and is looking straight past me..

"Kat? Wha-" I begin to say before a horrible high pitched voice cuts me off.

"Kaaat, you looking extra ugly today.. " a blond girl with the tightest of clothing says.

"Hi rachel" Amy says.. why isn't she defending kat!

"I wasn't talking to you- but now that I think of it you might be uglier than kat! " Rachel says and that's were I draw the line and slam my hands on the table while standing up and turning to face Rachel.

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now