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Part Three:



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     sorry i hadn't written you back these past two weeks. after five letters i figured it's best i write you back. i didn't mean to worry you. it's just been...tough. everyone is so stressed and i can feel it and it overwhelmed me. this is the first time i would have talked to someone since i got back to aunt Cece, which is kind of pathetic now that i'm telling you. besides the point.

     nothing has really happened they don't even mention anything about voldemort the papers you know. rita may not have written anything since hermione had trapped her in the jar but other people have. they found out about my mental breakdown and what i said though. i think fudge leaked it to get revenge on my aunt. they are saying things things about you and dumbledore too. i'll try to smuggle you a newspaper.

     noah doing good he likes it over there in america. they had a small memorial for cedric. it was just him antonio thomas me cho and the hufflepuffs really before he left. george and fred have been doing good for their shop so far. i think i remember charlie telling me they have a building picked out. i don't think mrs weasley knows yet. charlie and essy have been helping keep mrs weasley out of their business. they still haven't told her about them being engaged either still worried.

     i also heard that ron loves the new robes george and fred got him. you're a really good friend, boy-wonder.

     antonio and lee...i have so much i need to catch you up on when you finally leave your aunts and uncles. they are giving me a headache. antonio would come over and rant to me about him. they are sending each other these cheesy love letters that make me want to puke. never send a cheesy love letter whenever you get a girlfriend harold or boyfriend i don't judge. i will beat you for them.

     how have you been? and the nightmares, please do tell me they aren't as bad anymore? if they are i'll send you some of my stash of dreamless sleep. they might be a little strong for you since they barely work for me but they should still work. nevermind i'll just send you some anyway and some treacle tarts i can steal from the kitchen before sending them off.

you sunshine

p.s issac misses you and just before i sent this he found me and asked me to send you this drawing he made. i'm pretty sure he is better at drawing them i am.


     i wasn't worried in the slightest. i only set five letters because ----------------------------------- doesn't matter. i can't believe fudge is actually hiding the fact voldemort is back. he can't be that worried about politics can he? i find that ridiculous. i looked through the prophet almost a hundred times and there was nothing. and don't listen to what they are writing. you aren't crazy or a freak really. if you were i'd tell you and you are not.

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞¹                -𝖍. 𝖕𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now