Chapter 9:

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• Eden's POV •

When I woke up, my phone screen was lit with a Twitter notification. I picked it up and scrolled through all of them on my lockscreen. I had tons of texts and Twitter notifications. What is going on? I picked up my phone and unlocked it, going to my texts first. There was a screenshot from Twitter sent from Kennedy. It was a tweet from Jordan.

So I met these girls at the meet up and I really need to find them. Their names are Kennedy and Eden. Please let me know if you know them.

My eyes widened. Jordan remembered us, remembered Kennedy. How did he even know my name? I ran back through my interaction with him. The whole situation tumbled around in my brain. I never mentioned my name. What? I opened Twitter and saw a few of Kennedy's friends tagging me and her in the tweet. Jordan hasn't tweeted anything else since then. I had over 20 notifications. Everyone was freaking out.

"What is going on?" I texted Kennedy. A few seconds later she called me on skype.

"Jordan tweeted about us. He said he needs to find us. Why? Does he like me? Do you think he likes me?" Kennedy asked, not wasting any time.

"I don't know, how does he even know my name?" I asked, my heart was racing.

"Jordan knows who we are" she said quietly. That made my heart flutter. I checked Twitter again while staying on a call with her. Nothing. How can he tweet something like that and not follow it up? I felt like I was going to throw up.

"I'm so happy for you" I said. Kennedy shrieked.

"I love him so much, Eden, you have no idea" she said. I think I might.

"He probably just wanted to say my name too so that he'd have a greater chance at finding you" I said, feeling a little disappointed the moment I said it. Ouch, reality hurts. Of course he would be looking for Kennedy, I didn't even know who he was. I felt a mix of emotions. I didn't even follow Jordan on Twitter. I went back on and clicked the follow button.

"I'm so excited" Kennedy said. I could tell that she was refreshing Twitter every few seconds to see if he was tweeting anything else. It was almost 10 o clock. Where are you Jordan?

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