Chapter 41:

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• Eden's POV •

"I love you, I love you, I love you" I sang to Jordan as he drove us home. He needed a little guidance but overall he knew where he was going. Jordan's hand was entwined with mine and his thumb rubbed up and down mine.

"I've never felt as connected to anyone as I feel to you" he said quietly. The sincerity made a chill run through my body. If I really do move in with Jordan I'd be able to experience this every day. School can't end fast enough.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway.

"Let's hang out for a little bit" Jordan said, opening his door.

"Yeah, sleeping on the hood of a car wasn't the most comfortable thing we could have done" I said. He smiled, taking my hand as we walked into my house.

"It was worth it" he said. "It's something we can tell our grandchildren"

"Spending the night under the stars with my first love" I said wistfully.

"First?" He asked. I blushed a little.

"You're my first boyfriend" I said. My cheeks were turning even pinker. I'm 17 years old and I've never dated anyone. I sat down on my bed and he immediately sat next to me, pulling me close to him as we fell backwards.

"I'm glad. You haven't been anyone's but mine" he whispered into my ear.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked him. My head was resting on his shoulder but I looked up at him as I asked.

"I thought I was, last year. But I know now that I wasn't. It didn't feel anything like this" he said. That made me smile.

"I hope my dad doesn't come home again" I said quietly. Jordan kissed the top of my head.

"If he does, we'll leave" he said.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked. I may not have any family left, but at least I have Jordan. I could feel his heart beat under my hand on his chest. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting back to sleep.


I woke up and Jordan wasn't next to me. My heart started racing. What if this was all just a dream? But no, my laptop was sitting on my floor and I could hear Jordan's voice from outside my door. He was humming as my door swung open. I let out a sigh of relief and Jordan giggled. His shirt was off. Fuck. I looked over at the clock as soon as I could peel my eyes away from Jordan's bare torso. It was almost 2.

"Why'd you let me sleep all day?" I asked with a yawn. Jordan sat down next to me, pulling me close. I was fully aware of every place our skin made contact.

"You looked so beautiful while you were sleeping. Plus, it's been pretty exhausting for you between Kennedy and your dad" he said.

"Why is your shirt off?" I asked with a smile. My fingers landed on his stomach and they lingered there, softly brushing his skin.

"I was hot" he said, barely above a whisper.

"You know, we never really got to finish earlier when my dad came home and everything" I breathed. Jordan grabbed my wrist and I was flipped over with him on top of me in a matter of seconds. His lips pressed to mine as my back arched off of the bed.

"I love you" I whispered shakily as he kissed his way down my neck.

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