Chapter 22:

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• Jordan's POV •

"Nope, no answer" she said. I could tell that she was still feeling a bit on edge even though it was quite a few hours later. Kennedy still hadn't responded to her apology, which I don't think was necessary in the first place. She had her lights off but her screen illuminated her. She let out a yawn and I smiled. How did this even happen? How did I find her? "Can we watch a movie while I try to go sleep?" She asked. I was excited to spend the entire night with her.

"Yeah" I said, pulling a movie up for both of us. I got up and shut off my lights too, laying down on my bed.


To be completely honest, I didn't see much of the movie. I was watching Eden the entire time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I learned that she got pretty deeply invested in movies. Her eyes were fixed to the screen. A smile playing on her lips every once in awhile. Laughs bubbled out of her mouth a few times and I would always laugh too. Her laugh was contagious. I thought about holding her in my arms while watching another movie. It made a shiver run down my spine. I watched her as her eyes slowly closed and her breathing slowed to a steady pace. I shut off the movie and watched her for a few minutes. I could look at her all day. She was beautiful. She looked like an angel when she slept. Her hair was fanned out on the pillows around her and I imagined waking up to that tickling my face. I watched her until my own eyelids slid closed, drifting off to sleep by her peaceful breathing.


I spotted Eden at a distance in the airport. I started to pick up my pace as I walked straight towards her. She was smiling, she was beautiful. After all this time, I'm going to finally be able to touch her. I'm going to be able to kiss her. I reached out, I barely brushed her arm and then she pulled away. I was almost there. I was so close. She started to laugh and step back a bit further. I tried to keep up with her but she was too fast. I started to drop all of my bags and try to catch up to her.

"Jordan?" I heard in my ears.

"Please" I whimpered.

"Jordan!" The voice said again. My eyelids floated open, tears staining my cheeks again. I looked over at my laptop screen and saw Eden sitting up, squinting at her screen. I wiped the tears from my eyes, hoping she didn't see them. "Are you okay?" She asked. It sounded like she was relieved.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for waking you up" I said. Her eyebrows were in a frown.

"You were screaming" she said, sounding a bit worried. I shook my head.

"It's okay. I've had these dreams for a few days now" I explained. I don't think I'm exactly ready to share that they're about her though.

"Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes talking helps" she said. I rubbed my eyes.

"No, go back to sleep. You have school tomorrow" I said. She smiled.

"Please let me know if you need to talk okay? About anything" she said. I smiled back at her.

"Thank you, the same goes for you" I responded. She smiled and then laid back down onto her pillow, falling asleep pretty quickly. I still felt shaken up even after she was asleep. I laid awake, staring at my ceiling. Why am I still having these nightmares? I found her.


Author's note:
Thank you all so much for 1.5k reads. This story is growing so much faster than I expected <3

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