Chapter 25:

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• Eden's POV •

"I told Kennedy something else too" he said. I glanced over at my phone on the passenger seat. I was already almost home.

"What was it?" I asked. He was smiling on the screen. I turned my eyes back to the road. He paused for a second.

"I want to look at you" he said.

"I'm almost home" I said, turning onto my street. He hummed something in response. I felt kinda nervous. What did he say to her? I pulled into my driveway and grabbed my phone, fitting myself into the screen. "Okay" I said. His smile was bigger than ever. I let out a little giggle. "You're so cute" I said. And without hesitation, he said it.

"I told her that I think I'm in love with you" I can't put how I felt into words. My heart dropped into my stomach and a blush sprung to my cheeks. I was speechless.

"What?" I breathed.

"I think I'm in love with you" he repeated.

"Does this have anything to do with this morning because-"

"No. But it has everything to do with you. I'm in love with you, Eden" he said. "I know it's only been a few days but I know I can't be the only one who feels it" I shook my head.

"You're not. I feel it to" I said, still sitting in my car. A shiver ran through my body. "I have this thing where I don't really tell people that I love them anymore" I explained.

"Hm?" He asked. He looked confused.

"After my family, I've developed a sort of trust issue. I can't tell people that I love them for the fear of losing them. It only got worse with Kennedy. But trust me, Jordan. I feel the same way" I said. He gave me an empathetic smile.

"I understand" he said. "But you're not going to lose me"

"Don't say that too soon" I said, finally getting out of my car and into the house.

"Hey, look at me" he said. I stopped walking to my room and looked at the camera. "I love you" he said. Butterflies exploded within me. No, not butterflies; something more explosive than butterflies. He smiled every time he said it which made it even more sincere.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked him as I sat down on my bed.

"Of course, you can tell me anything" he said.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me"


Jordan stayed on skype with me for a few hours but then he had to go to film some videos.

"I love you" he said before he hung up. Every time he said it, it ignited something within me. He understood why I couldn't say it back, at least not yet. And I am forever grateful for that. I decided to take advantage of my free time to make myself something to eat. I walked out to my kitchen. Suddenly, my house felt so empty. I was used to Jordan's voice filling up the silence. It was eerie to feel just how alone I was. I felt completely isolated from everyone and everything. The thought of school shoved itself back into my head. I had Friday off as well as next week because it was spring break. Maybe I could just just skip school this week? It's only 4 days. It should be okay. But then again, I don't want to stay in this house all by myself anymore. I miss the sound of music floating through the air with my mom twirling and singing through the kitchen. I miss hearing my brother's laugh as my mom made him dance with her. I miss the way my dad used to smile. Before I knew it, I was spinning out of control. I can't control my mind. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. How long have I been this sad? Jordan was a tremendous help, he really was. But he wasn't here. The truth is, I'm alone. I sat down on my kitchen floor. The tiles were cold on the back of my thighs. I pulled my knees into my chest and I cried. How pathetic am I? Crying on the kitchen floor of an empty house.


Author's note:
So I reached 2k. I literally just hit 1k 5 days ago. That's insane. This is growing so quickly. Thanks to everyone who reads this, it means a lot <3 I thought as a thank you, I'd double update today :)

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