Was it a dream?

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Lydia woke herself up, gripping the cushions on the couch arching her back, and veins popping in her neck. "Oh my God" She gasped for air.
"He can't be back.." She stood up looking for her phone, thinking everything she remembered was just a dream. Her eyes widened as she read the texts from Scott, her eyes racing back and forth. 
She dialed Scott. 
"Hello?" A groggy raspy voice said.
"Uh no hang-on." It was Isaac. 
"Yes, Lydia" Scott said annoyed.
"Its him. He's back"
"Stiles. Is, yes" He sounded proud.
"I have to see him" 
"What? Lydia, no you can't."
Lydia hung up, she didn't need Scott telling her what to do. 
Her phone rang and rang for hours. Scott's name peered across her phone, several missed calls and text messages. 

Lydia finally got herself to go to bed after worrying what she was going to say to Stiles.
Although it was no different getting into bed, because she just lied awake until dawn, the sun peaked threw her half-ass done blinds. 
She huffed loudly as he doorbell rang. 
She shuffled to the door rubbing her eyes causing stars to appear in her eyes as she opened the door, Scott and Isaac busted through before she could even say 'come in'. 
"Well good morning to you too" She said sarcastically.
"Is Stiles here?"  Isaac said searching her apartment.
"What the hell? No" She snapped.
"You said you needed to see him though" 
"I said see, not sleep with" 
Scott helped himself to coffee. 
They all sat down the breakfast table. Sipping and gabbing.
"So when you going to see him then?" Scott added.
"Later" She said holding her coffee close to her mouth "And you two can't come. No wolf hearing" 
"But-" Scott started.
"No!" She said slamming her coffee down. "You guys have talked to him already I haven't" 
"Well..not exactly." 
"What are you talking about?" 
"We just saw him...at the grocery store." 
"Are you fucking with me?"
"No.." They said in sync.

Hours passed by Scott and Isaac still sitting in the kitchen talking.
Lydia walked out in a little black dress and red heels, her hair in bouncy curls.
"Damn Lydia, thought you said 'not sleep with him'. 
"I did" 
"Well he will if he sees you in that" Isaac laughed, as Scott nudged him.
Lydia cocked her head. "Whatever" 
"Soo, were you guys even a 'thing' before I left?" Isaac said. 
"No we kissed, once. During the whole human sacrifice thing" She bit her lip thinking back on it.
"I gotta go" She said whipping around her hair following behind her leaving some stuck to her lip-gloss. "Get out" 
Scott stuck his tongue out at her.
They followed Lydia out the door and stopped as she turned to lock the door. 
"Don't follow me" 
"Where is it you're going exactly?" Isaac said walking down the parking lot to their car.
"To see Stiles.."
"His house?" 
"He doesn't live there.."
"His dad does though" 
"Alright Lydia." 
"See you fella's later." She said as she backed out of her parking space.
"She's an idiot" Scott said looking at Isaac. 
"Maybe that kiss wasn't enough for her, after all she is Lydia Martin" 
"Shut up" They got into Scott's car.

Lydia pulled into Stiles' dad house 20 minutes later. 
She took a deep breath and opened her door. 
She heard tires on gravel pulling up behind her. 
It was a blue jeep. 

*cliffhangers are my FAVE hope you guys enjoyed hehehehehe*

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