You Let It Happen

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Malia raced out after Lydia.
All that was heard was heels running against the pavement coming from Lydia.
And screaming, coming from both of them.
Malia chased Lydia all the way down to the end of the drive way, and they both saw Stiles' jeep hurdling down the road.
Lydia whipped back, her hair following in a tidal wave. Then she took off down the road and met Stiles half way.
"What the hell is going on!" Stiles yelled slamming on the breaks, causing him to fly forward, Lydia walked up the the drivers side.
"What is she doing here!" Lydia yelled back pointing at Malia who was still standing in the driveway. Tapping her foot, and waving.
Stiles growled. "Get in."
Lydia responded admittedly. "Where are we going?"
"Home. I just don't want you to walk." He answered, flooring it and whipping it into the driveway.
Stiles jumped out of his jeep and gripped Malia by her shoulders.
"What are you doing here Malia!" He hollered, spitting in her face.
Malia rolled her eyes and pried herself from his grip. "Came to see you, babe." She answered with no care.
Stiles squinted one eye. "What for."
"I just heard you were back, I also heard you are now a deputy." She melted into him.
Stiles turned and looked at Lydia who was sitting on the hood of her car, not even looking but clearly listening, and clearly pissed off.
"Leave." He snarled. "Now."
Malia lifted her head from his chest. "I seriously don't know why you guys hate me so much." She answered and put her hands in her face, fake crying.
"Cut the shit, Malia." He blurted.
"Whatever." She started to walk away. "Don't worry sweetie, I'll be back." She winked. Then she was gone.
"What the hell was that." Lydia hopped down from the hood.
"What do you mean?" Stiles asked confused.
"She was totally flirting with you, and you let it happen." She snapped.
Stiles flailed is arms in the air. "Now this is my fault?"
Lydia started to stomp away. "Whatever Stiles."


They haven't spoken since.
Lydia rolled her eyes, every time she walked past him, or saw him.
Lydia was sitting on the couch, then she remembered their conversation from this morning about Isaac. Now she either had to talk to him, or watch TV and hope they heard something.
She knew Stiles was sitting in the kitchen making dinner.
Dare she give up this early.
She groaned and got up from the couch, taking the blanket she had on with her. "Hi.." She whispered.
"Talking to me now?" He answered stirring something on the stove.
"Don't be bitter, I just wanna know if they told you anything about Isaac.." She sat at the breakfast table, she could only see his profile. His eyelashes long, and curled. His nose, still cute as hell. His hair, not as perfect as it was, she could tell he had been running his fingers through it, like he usually does when hes frustrated.
"Nope." He popped the P.
"Did you really? Or are you just not telling me?" She cocked her head to the side, she could read him like a book.
She threw her arms in the air. "Yes to what? You heard something?"
"Yes, he's going to jail for first degree murder."
"How long?" She asked concerned.
He didn't answer.
"Fine Stiles. I'm going to bed."
"Life." He answered.
"What.." She stopped.
"Life in prison." He stated again.
"Are you serious? Are they going to take him to court first?"
"They already did, the didn't think it was fair for him to run and leave the girl to die."
Lydia sighed and sat back down. "Does Scott know?"
"Yeah." He pulled the pot off the stove and drained it in the sink.
"What did he say?"
"Don't know my dad called him."
He continued with making, from the looks of it, pasta.
"Hungry?" He asked pulling plates out from the cabinet.
Lydia nodded.


When they were finished eating they just sat there. Staring at the walls.
Lydia tried to work up the courage to ask him about work, but she could tell he was pissed. So she just continued to stare.
"Finished." He murmured already picking up her plate.
"Are you going to talk to Malia, if she comes back." She blurted out without thinking. Knowing the response she was going to get she slammed her head on the table.
"Are you serious?" He dropped the plates in the sink, starling Lydia.
"You didn't even ask about work."
"I wanted to, I don't know why I said that.." She still had her head on the table, now stomping her feet on the floor.
Stiles marched out of the kitchen, and all Lydia heard was his door slam.
2. idk what malia is going to do, but i can tell you it wont be good. -MERMAIDMAN VOICE - EEEEEVIIIIILLLLLL
3. uhhhhhhhhhhhh dont hate me.

See you again - StydiaWhere stories live. Discover now