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Lydia put the car in reverse and sped off, as soon as she realized who it was, she was not staying to talk to this person, she had nothing to say.
She totally neglected her plans with Stiles.
Her phone was going off the hook with text messages from Stiles and phone calls.
Lydia didn't care at this point, she just wanted to get the hell out of there.
Why was she at the sheriffs station? Was she there to see Lydia? Maybe Stiles?
Did she get in trouble with the law?
What was Malia Tate doing at the sheriffs station?
Lydia's mind was flooded with various thoughts, but her face was just blank.
Eventually she pulled into the driveway at the apartment and just sat there.
Head on the steering wheel. Lost in thoughts.
Malia obviously had a reason to come up to Lydia. She could of just walked past?
Maybe she knew she was there?
Lydia grinded her teeth in anger and picked up her phone after thousands of phone calls, her annoying bird ringtone was definitely pissing her off by this point.
"Hello?" She roared.
"Lydia where are you? Are you okay?" Stiles cried through the phone, she could hear him pacing back and forth. Probably scratching the back of his neck, usual.
"Yes, I'm fine. Can you come home?" She lifted her head off the steering wheel. "Like now?"
"Uh, well.." He wondered. "I'll talk to my dad, I've only been here a half a day."
"Yeah, you're right don't worry about it, I'll see you when you get home." She hung up, and threw the phone, it bounced off the passengers seat and rolled on the floor. Lydia growled and turned the car off and stepped out.
But oddly enough, there she was.
"Malia!" Lydia snapped. "Why are you here? Did you follow me?"
"More like tracked your scent.." Malia responded.
"What do you want." Lydia blurted.
"To see you." She smiled, but that smile made Lydia want to smack it off her face. She never liked Malia in high school, she always followed Stiles, like a lost puppy. She absolutely despised them together.
"What for?" Lydia questioned her while locking the door to her car.
"Just to see you." Malia paused. "And Stiles, I heard he was back."
"Yep." She popped the P. "I'm guessing you heard about him being a Deputy too? And that's why you were at the station? Looking for him?"
"Kinda.." She said unsure.
"Well, sweet heart." Lydia started walking towards the front door. "He's with me now, so you can take your wolf-ass and get out."
"That's not very nice, Lydia."
"Who said I was nice." She slammed the door in her face.
Lydia screamed in anger and whacked the nearest thing. An old lacrosse trophy.
Her eyes grew, big and wide.
"No no no no." She begged and reached down to pick it up. Of course, it was broken.
"Ugh!" She hollered. "Today fucking sucks." She continued yelling.
She almost didn't hear the loud banging at the door either, assuming it was Malia.
"Leave." She called whipping a stay tear.
"I just wanna talk!" Malia yelled back her words muffled by the door.
"Don't wanna speak to you." She opened the door.
"Too bad." Malia walked inside and looked down at the broken trophy. "Nice." She said examining it.
"Get out." Lydia was furious.
"Any particular reason you hate me?" Malia questioned her, helping herself to the couch.
"I don't owe you an explanation. Now get off my couch and leave." Lydia demanded.
"I wanna wait for Stiles to get here." Malia crossed her legs.
Lydia rolled her eyes. "No." She said in an obvious annoyed tone.
"And why not?"
"Do I need to call the cops?" Lydia folded her arms across her chest. "Cause I will."
"Yeah, go ahead." She sat up slightly. "You do know, Stiles will be the one to show up, so either way I win."
Lydia arched her brow. This girl is insane.
"Just leave, I'm not going to ask again."
Malia sat back, and starting looking at her nails, fidgeting with them.
Lydia shook her head and took off out the door.
"Where are you going?" Malia called.
Lydia didn't answer.
1. um iM SORRY BUT LYDIA IS A BOSS ASS BITCH, i knew when i brought malia back into the picture i wanted lydia to tell her off, so YOU ARE WELCOME.
2. dont kill me, im ACTUALLY SATAN.
3. wolf-ass LOOL im proud of that.

See you again - StydiaWhere stories live. Discover now