He's Here

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The warm spring breeze swept through Lydia's hair as she trudged boxes from Stiles' jeep, into the apartment.
Sweat pebbled her forehead, they've been moving his things in for hours now. The last thing was his bed, which Stiles' dad brought over with his truck. Lydia was surprised his dad wasn't mad, although they were old enough to live by themselves, she'd expected him to say something, but he didn't fuss.
Hours later they had everything set up, and all of his and Lydia's things were unpacked. It finally felt like home. Especially with Stiles' down the hall.
Stiles' still doesn't know what they are yet, but it was a big step living together, for him at least.
Come night fall they were sitting around Lydia's breakfast table, passing a bottle of vodka back and forth.
"This is really how we're spending a Tuesday night?" She giggled and handing Stiles the bottle.
"Hell ya" He gulped down a giant swig, not fazing him whatsoever.
Lydia scrunched her nose. "I don't know how you do that"
"Practice" He winked. "Hey got any beer?"
"Nope" She popped the P.
"Wine?" He suggested.
"Yeah actually" Lydia said standing up, gripping her head, the drinks were defiantly hitting her hard, she glanced at the bottle as there was maybe half a sip left, and it was full when they started. "Woah" She laughed. "I'm drunk as fuck"
Stiles chuckled, practically falling back in his chair, he gripped the table trying not to fall, this only made them laugh harder. "Me too" A smiled pulled across his face.
Lydia was still laughing, now on the floor gasping for air. "Help" She said hysterical "I've fallen and I can't get up" She said mimicking a commercial.
"What the fuck Lyds" He said trying to stand and help her up."Old people take offence to that you know" He said gripping her hand and yanking her up right.
"They do?" She said serious.
"Probably, I don't know" He stuttered.
"You're an idiot" She said stumbling to the living room. Lydia plopped down on the couch with a loud thud. "The fuck?" She pulled out a box from underneath her head. "Stiles what's this?" She yelled.
He poked his head around the corner "What's what?"
"This" She said with obvious annoyance as she held the box in her hand.
"Lyds, that's a box of condoms"
A smile formed on her face "Why do you have condoms"
"Ya never know" He said strutting out from around the corner.
"Mhmm" She teased.
"What?" He said sarcastically, sitting comfortable on the small couch on the opposite wall.
"Stilinski, don't think I'm going to have sex with you, right now"
"Right now?" His eyes widened.
Lydia tossed the box at him, "Shut up"
"But I didn't buy these" He said looking stern at the box.
Lydia laughed "Your dad probably did"
"Classic, he didn't have anything so say, but he buys me a box of condoms" He joined her laugh. "Hey weren't you getting me wine?" He said glancing at Lydia.
"Oh, I forgot"
"Don't worry about it"
"Mkay" She said flailing her arms in the air "I'm drunk Stiles"
"I know"
Lydia stood up, gained her balance, then tiptoed over to Stiles.
Stiles was laying with his eyes closed.
Lydia jumped up and landed on Stiles.
"Oh my God!" He huffed.
"Scare ya?" She straddled him.
"Little bit" He lightly placed his palms on her thighs.
Lydia smirked and rocked softly against him and leaned down to place small peppering kisses along his jaw. Stiles groaned. "What are you-uh-are you doing?" He choked out.
"Nothing" She said nibbling at his neck.
"Trying to kill me?" He said nervously.
Lydia placed her hand on his chest and lifted herself up.
"What?" He asked scared. She didn't respond.
Lydia looked blank at the window behind them.
"Lydia what is it what's wrong" He tried sitting up, but she pushed him back down.
"Ugh" He grunted. She put her index finger up to her mouth signaling him to be quiet.
"Isaac's here" She said hushed.
"Lydia?" He said spacing her name out, "Isaac is dead"
She looked down at him, and cocked her head to the right. "No he's not"
Stiles then remembered the club, the night before he died, she thought she kept seeing Isaac, when he wasn't there. "Lydia, listen to me" He said cupping her face. "Isaac died, okay? He died in a car wreck, do you not remember?"
"No, he's here" She jumped off him and ran towards the front door. She stopped in front of it, she was about to turn the nob, when there was three harsh knocks.
3. MUAHAHAHAH, stay tuned!!!

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