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"I'm gonna let the future in, take it on, make it on my own. Into the fire we go again, shake it off before we get to old. "

Mikky Ekko 'Kids'


Lydia was sitting on the couch, listening to the television, people were talking about shit she could care less about, aside from that, her mind was cluttered. She knew she had to tell Stiles' dad at some point, she can't just show up nine months later with a baby, that's bizarre, and unfair. She also thought about the time they got drunk and she flopped and landed on a box of condoms neither of them had purchased, that definitely wouldn't go over well. Finally she worked up the courage, to at least let Stiles know what she was thinking.

"So." Lydia called from the couch.

Stiles was making God knows what in the kitchen.

"So?" Stiles hollered back.

"Come here, I wanna tell you something."

Stiles walked around the corner whipping his hands with a dish towel. He cocked his head, in a 'what?' fashion.

"Are we going to tell your Dad?" She looked down.

"That your pregnant?"

Lydia gave him a 'duh' look.

"Only if you want to." Stiles sat on the edge of the couch. "We can go later, if you want?"

She just nodded.

"Do you?" He added.

"Of course." She smiled.

Stiles smiled back and headed back to the kitchen.


Before she knew it, she was standing in front of Stiles' father's front door.

Anxiety radiating through her entire body. She had a hold of Stiles' hand. He probably thought she was going to break it, he didn't flinch, or say anything, he was holding just as tight.

Stiles bald his other fist and knocked it gently against the wooden door.

Moments past before Stiles' dad was standing in front of them, motioning them to come inside.

"Haven't seen you two in awhile, how's everything?" His father asked.

"Good." Stiles murmured.

"Everything alright?"Stiles dad was in the kitchen getting them something to drink, when he came back with three beers, Lydia knew this wasn't going to be easy.

"Fine, we have something to tell you."Stiles sat down on the couch, Lydia still standing.

She motioned his Dad a 'no thank you' to the beer. She wondered why he didn't get the hint then.

Stiles' dad sat down in the chair across from Stiles and Lydia next to Stiles.

"Are you going to tell me?" He chuckled taking a swig of beer.

Lydia widened her eyes when Stiles gave her the look.

She definitely didn't wanna be the one to say it, but then again, she's pregnant not Stiles.

She cleared her throat and took Stiles' hand once more.

"I'm pregnant." Lydia spoke through gritted teeth.

"Wait what? I thought you- wait- I bought you-" He babbled. Stiles' dad was having a hard time keeping still after that.

"Yes Dad I know. We didn't really plan on this, but we wanted to tell you.." Stiles croaked.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." His dad sat back and crossed his legs over one-another downing the rest of the beer, before popping open another.

"Dad." Stiles started. "Really?"

"Whatever Stiles. I'm not pregnant I can drink."

Lydia bit her lip in anger and rolled her eyes.

Stiles patted her leg. "It's fine." He mumbled low enough just for her to hear.

"What did you mean, by 'I hope you know what you're getting yourself into'?" He questioned his father, anger in most of the words.

"Having a kid." He groaned.

"No. 'I'm proud of you?' Or how about. 'Congratulations.'?" He's clearly pissed off now.

"Stiles, maybe we should just go." Lydia said trying not to start anything, they can't finish, or make it out alive.

"No." He was standing now. "I'm old enough to have a kid, I have a job, my own place? What else do you want from me? Can't you be happy for me, for once?" He begged.

"Whatever Stiles." His dad croaked.

"Your just a drunk." Stiles flew his arms in the air. "Come on Lydia." He reached for her hand, which she happily took.

"See ya later. Pops." Stiles popped the P and slammed the door.

Lydia scarcely got into the jeep closing the door with ease.

"I'm sorry, he's just drunk." He leaned over from the drivers seat.

"It's fine." She half-smirked.

He put the car and reverse and back out.

They heard muffled shouting coming from the house.

Stiles floored it.

"We don't have to come back here, I forgot to mention, the reason I came back." He muttered. "I came back because he's a drunk." He paused. "Again."

Lydia gave him a sorrowfully look. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He reached for her hand, placing a warm kiss.


When they got back to the apartment, they were shocked to see Scott standing in the living room.

"Scott?" Lydia titled her head setting her bag on the couch.

"Did you hear the news?" Scott had his hands placed on his head, pacing the area of the living room.

"No?" Lydia said, asking herself at the same time. She'd been so caught up in thinking about telling Stiles' dad, she ignored the TV.

"It's Isaac isn't it." Stiles joined the conversation.

Scott nodded.

"He broke out of jail.."





1. uh. this was a very eventful chapter my goodness.

2. i feel like Isaac has a lot of problems but I HAD NO OTHER IDEAS IM SORRY, but then again i knew when i put him in jail, i wanted him to break out, i mean he's a werewolf for christ sake.

3. i had writers block up until like 4 am, then it just flowed, this chapter has a lot of background which i like, i always feel like i have too much dialogue so HEY YO.

4 tbh this story should be called 'how many times can isaac fuck everything up'



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