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Deaton and Derek rushed out from the back of the animal clinic as soon as they heard the alarm go off, only to find, Lydia and Stiles gone and Scott passed out in the chair.
"Scott?!" Derek shook him.
No response.
Derek glanced at Deaton eyes wide. "Where the hell did they go?"
Deaton was the one who always had answers, he always knew what was happening, or what was going to happen, he was the calm one.
"Like I would know?!" Deaton just stared at Scott. "We have to find them."
Derek and Deaton looked at the door, it was wide open.
Before either of them moved, Scott was gasping for air, he mumbled something then came back to it. He groaned "They're gone aren't they.." Scott stood holding onto the wall behind him.
Derek shook his head "What happened?"
"Lydia saw Isaac, something attacked me, then nothing" He was still out of breath.
"Great" Derek looked at Deaton "Now what?"
"We look for them" Deaton replied handing him a flashlight.
Derek flashed his eyes.
"Oh yeah" Deaton rolled his.
They all took their separate ways, trying to find them in less amount of time.
"Stiles?!" Scott called for him, but nothing.
It was midnight, and his best friend, was running around in the woods with a drunk Lydia, looking for a dead Isaac. That made sense.
Scott continued to call for him, but he heard leaves rustling.
"Stiles?" Scott's eyes glowed red, and was shocked as to who he saw.
"Isaac?" He walked closer, "Isaac.."
The figure stood, and looked at Scott.
"Isaac, what the fu-"
Lydia came out from behind a tree, stumbling and falling over.
"Okay, what is going on" He asked helping her up.
Lydia was non-responsive.
"Scott I'm sorry" Isaac choked out. "I didn't know what else to do"
"What do you mean?" Scott questioned him.
"The car fire, I was changing, and I panicked."
"So you set it on fire?"
"No, I was driving, and-" Isaac was cut off and Stiles, Deaton and Derek showed up. All very shocked to see Isaac.
"Continue" Stiles demanded.
"And I pulled the car over, we hit a tree and rolled, I fled the scene, the girl died-
He took a deep breath "I'm a murder- I'm a killer"
"No you're not" Scott walked up and knelt by Isaac "But Isaac, people think you're dead, we have to tell people"
Derek went home, and Stiles and Lydia went back to their place.
They called Stiles' father and told them what happened, they still don't know what's going to happen to him.
"At least you're not crazy" Stiles joked, still in shock about the whole situation.
"Yes, I'm still crazy Stiles, just not that crazy" She insisted.
"Isaac isn't dead, this is crazy"
"Stop saying crazy" She plopped down on the couch and laid her head in his lap, and he began to play with her long, curls.
"Crazy" He teased.
They just laid there, totally numb to everything.
Isaac was still alive.
Lydia was still crazy, but Stiles loved her crazy ass.
1. Awww i love the ending it made me SMILE
2. do you want me to make this story long asF, like getting married and shiz, or just end it soon, and do another story???

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