Real Life

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Without warning, there she was, again.
Lydia growled. "Get the fuck out of here!"
"Stiles tame her." Malia joked. Stiles just stood there.
"What is going on with you?" Lydia nudged Stiles. "Is there something I should know?"
Nothing. So Lydia looked at Malia. "Well?"
"I don't owe you an explanation." Malia mimicked Lydia's words.
"Like hell you do!" Lydia was now in her face.
"What do think this is? A game?"
Malia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest.
"Honey this is real life."
"Lydia just calm down." Stiles rested his hand back on her back.
"You're telling me to calm down!" Lydia hollered.
"Yes!" He yelled back.
"Oh my God, what is even going on!" She pulled his arm off her back and ran up to the door.
"Just go." She calmed.
"Are you serious?" Stiles asked confused.
"Dead serious." Lydia slammed the door.  
Lydia ran into her bedroom, slammed the door behind her and fell face first into her bed and screamed. Not a banshee scream, just a 'i'm pissed as hell' scream.
She screamed for a good 5 minutes, without stopping.
Finally she sat up and felt that same nauseating feeling.
"Oh God." She whispered gripped her stomach and ran into the bathroom.
But there was nothing but dry heaves.
She closed her eyes, and tensed her jaw.
Then the front door slammed.
She scurried to her feet and ran out her door.
"I said go— Scott?"
"Hi." Scott waved.
"Oh my God." She ran into his arms.
She just stood there, in the arms of her best friend.
Breathing him in.
"Lydia?" He asked.
"Yeah?" She sniffled.
"Is everything okay?" He said stern, and pulled her back by her shoulders.
She looked up into his puppy dog eyes. "Yeah?"
"I mean with Stiles...He called me, he's worried."
"Of course he did.." She breathed heavy.
"You know he loves you right?"
"And not Malia..."
Lydia rolled her eyes. "Yes."
"Okay, I gotta go. I love you Lydia." He kissed her forehead.
"Love you too." She murmured.
Then he walked out the front door.
Lydia climbed onto the couch and peaked through the blinds, and watched Scott drive away.
Leaving Stiles standing in the driveway, scolding Malia.
"Bitch." Lydia muttered and turned and cuddled a blanket on the couch.
Stiles ended up taking forever, telling Malia off. All Lydia could hear was constant yelling and slamming of, God know's what.
Night fall had come so sudden, Lydia was still on the couch, staring into nothing but the dark room. The moon was shinning through the blinds, illuminating part of the room.
Lydia hadn't noticed it was quiet. She turned and peaked, neither of them were there.
She saw Malia walking in the distance.
The nob of the front door jiggled and Lydia quickly turned.
"Were you watching me?" Stiles walked in.
Lydia bit her lip. "Nope."
Stiles smiled. "She's gone, it's okay." He plopped down next to her.
"Still mad at you." She got up taking the blanket with her.
"Fine." He huffed. "I'm going to bed, I have work in the morning, and I'm exhausted."
"Your exhausted?" She half-hollered.
"Well I did spend half my day chasing you through a hospital, and the other half yelling at Malia." He growled back, flailing his arms in the air.
"Yeah, I spent my day doing the same thing Stiles, and I was throwing up all day—." She lost he train of thought.
Stiles just stood waiting for her to answer. But nothing. "Whatever." He took off down the hall.
Lydia just stood there holding her stomach.
1. hehehe. oopsieeeeeeeee.
2. i make everything too obvious, i just get excited im very sorry.
3. btw the beginning of this was how i was going to end the last chapter but Ang told me it was good so there ya go, if i made you cry blame Ang.

See you again - StydiaWhere stories live. Discover now