You Don't, Trust Me

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"What do you mean you can't find Isaac?!" Lydia screamed into the phone.

"Exactly that!" Scott yelled back. "Get dressed we're going to look for him" He hung up.

Lydia ran her fingers through her soaking hair and pulled at it. She began pacing the living room, she also hadn't noticed Stiles been talking to her, brushing her arm slightly every time she walked passed him.


She ignored him, voices filling her mind. The screams louder than Stiles'.

"We have to go now" She pulled his arm dragging him out the house and to her car.

"Lyds you don't even have shoes on!" He yelled trying to get her attention.

"Shoes don't matter we have to find Isaac." She sat down in the drivers seat and honked the horn at Stiles who was still standing in front of the car. She could hear him huff faintly. Then the passengers door opened and a very pissed off Stiles sat next to her. He violently pulled at his seat belt and fastened it.

She floored it in reverse.

"And where is it we are going?" Stiles asked gripping to the handle above the window as Lydia took a sharp turn.

"The club."

"Oh God" He sighed.


They pulled into the club. Not a soul in sight.

"Lyds there is no one here, its Sunday"

She slammed her head against the steering wheel. "Ugh, call Scott" She hissed.

Stiles fumbled for her phone and dialed him.

"Not at the club" Stiles croaked.

"Yeah that's because he's in the hospital" Stiles heart sank to his stomach.

Lydia looked up at his blank expression. "Stiles" She said worryingly.

"Uh, is he okay?" Stiles hesitated.

"Their not sure" Scott sounded upset, like he'd been crying.

"Do you wanna tell her or should I"

Lydia was trying to reach for the phone but Stiles had hung up already.

"Isaac's in the hospital" He exclaimed.

The life fell from her face and she put the car in drive and took off.


Stiles ran after Lydia as she busted through the automatic doors of the hospital.

"Room for Isaac Lahey" She stammered.

Stiles couldn't catch up to what the lady said as she typed on her computer and his attention was taken of her as he saw Scott trudging from the elevator.

"Scott?" Stiles questioned him.

Lydia dropped to the floor in hysterical tears.

"SCOTT?" Stiles yelled.

"Sorry I can't" Scott said exiting the hospital.

"Lyds it's okay" He tried comforting her.

"He's dead!" She yelled.

A tear formed in his eye, "What happened did they say?"

She just continued to coil up and cry in her hands.

"Lydia we gotta get out of here come on" He lifted her up carrying her to the car.

He laid her in the back seat and curled up next to her and ran his fingers through her hair and whispered soft 'its okays' in her ears every so often.

"No it's not" She cried.

"It will be, eventually"

"He died in a car fire."

"Who was driving?"

"Some girl, same one from last night"

"We need to get you home so you can rest" Stiles said trying to open the door.

Lydia pulled his face into a warm, tender kiss. "Lyds" He said between every kiss. She didn't stop, she gripped the back of his hair and pulled slightly deepening the kiss even more. His hands still trying to open the car door but failing. Lydia straddled herself over him slightly one leg between his. Eventually he gave up on the door and went along with what she was doing. Not thinking about where they were.

Lydia pulled away when her lungs burned from lack of oxygen. "Life is for the living" She said wiping a few stray tears.

"Indeed" Stiles said breathless.

They laid there, until dusk. Wailing ambulances flew by every few minutes.

Lydia tried to not think about him, but as hard as she tried she couldn't. Isaac's face flashed in her mind every time she closed her eyes. Vividly.

She tensed up when she thought about it, every time she did, Stiles gripped tighter around her waist.

"How do I get over this" Lydia whispered.

"You don't, trust me" Stiles replied.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Don't worry about it" He flashed her a fake smile when she turned to look at him.

"Don't fake it, please"







**don't kill me please LOOL, Isaac didn't fit in the story anymore, plus you got a STYDIA make out scene because of it, okay im done with excuses goodBYE**

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