Most Guys

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"Stiles?" Lydia called for him, for like the billionth time. Still no answer, by this point, she was pissed. She fled the kitchen, to his room, to find a very dead, asleep Stiles. His limbs were half on the floor.
She slammed the door and watch Stiles spring to life. "Jesus, you scared the hell out of me" He semi-laughed. "What?" He stared.
"Its like 5 pm, why are you still asleep?" She asked.
"Well if someone didn't insist we have sex every hour, I wouldn't need rest." He said pulling his sweatpants on.
"You know..." She started walking towards him "Most guys wouldn't complain about something like that." She arched a brow.
"I'm not most guys."
"Yeah, whatever." She skipped away "Get up." She smiled and winked at him as she sprinted out of his room.
"Yeah, yeah.." He mumbled and followed close behind.
"What's for dinner?" He asked spinning around the corner of the kitchen.
"Nothing, unless you make something." She grinned.
He groaned and slugged over to the refrigerator, "We have nothing."
"I know." She smacked him with a dish towel. "We need to go to the store, reason one of why I woke you.."
"Whats reason two?" He turned a little frightened.
She laughed "Not that!"
He sighed of relief. "Then what?"
"Scott wants to talk to you, about the whole Isaac, thing." She said nervous.
"Great." He slammed the fridge door.
"Hey.." She positioned herself in front of him "Stop."
He tilted his head back "I don't wanna talk about that right now, I just wanna sleep."
"Too bad, lets go."
Lydia literally had to drag him into the car to get him to go see Scott.
"Stiles stop it." She snapped and stopped in her tracks along with Stiles.
"This is stupid." He sighed.
"Well, I like getting drunk, so we need to figure out how to stop it." She started dragging him again "And you're coming with me."
By the time they pulled into the animal clinic, it was night fall.
"Still stupid." Stiles moaned and opened the door to see Deaton, Scott and Derek standing and staring.
"Well hello." Lydia said following behind.
"Stiles" Scott said. "Derek might know whats happening."
The last time Derek and Stiles saw each other, Derek told Stiles to "Fuck off and never come back to Beacon Hills" He was mad at Stiles for 'dumping' Malia. Although, it wasn't either of them who ended it.
"Alright, lets here it." Stiles said irritated.
"Well.." Derek started handing Lydia a bottle of vodka. "You have to get drunk first."
"Great." She groaned and took the bottle. "You all going to watch me?"
"Yeah." Scott laughed and Deaton and Derek left the room.
"Here goes nothing." And she downed half the bottle, making a disgusted face.
About ten minutes later Lydia was rolling around on the floor. Literally.
"This is pointless." Stiles rubbed the back of his neck and sat down.
"We just have to wait." Scott sat next to him.
"Who knows how long it'll take, or even if she sees him at all." Stiles said annoyed. "I'm also hungry." He pouted.
Scott rolled his eyes. "So.."
"So?" Stiles answered.
"You and Lydia?" Scott nudged him.
"Scott stop."
"Might as well get the juicy details, since we're sitting here." He laughed.
"Don't say it like that, it makes me feel uncomfortable."
All the while, they were talking, Scott was telling Stiles about Kira, and Stiles the same about Lydia. Lydia was sitting staring at the door, mumbling words neither of them could hear, or notice.
She stood, still none of them were paying attention.
"Isaac?" She whispered. "What are you doing here?"
The bell of the animal clinic door rang, and the alarm went off.
1. yo damnnnnnnnnnnn
2. this story is getting extremely hard to write, so i apologize if its dumb
love uuuu
xoxo - cat

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