Unfinished Business

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"Stiles, that's insane" Lydia said, irritation and all.
Stiles sighed for the billionth time that day. "I swear Lydia, I can't explain it in any other way"
"That just doesn't make any sense" She scolded still unclear of what he was saying. "How do I 'see' Isaac? He's dead"
"You also said he wasn't"
"Wasn't dead?
Stiles nodded.
"Whatever, this is dumb" She said brushing it off.
"Are you serious?" He arched a brow. "This could be something serious, we've never dealt with this kind of thing before, and we've seen some shit" He said placing his hands on his hips.
"I just won't get drunk" She mimicked his movements.
Stiles cocked his head to the right. "Yeah mkay" He muttered.
"Just drop it" She plopped down on the couch, flipping the channels on the TV.
Stiles rolled his eyes and sat next to her, all tense, and annoyed. Partially, because Lydia, once again, got her way, and because he was worried about her.
"Stiles" She knew he was still thinking about it.
"You didn't see you're face Lyds" He reassured. "Utterly terrifying...you didn't look like you"
"What does that mean?" She blurted out questioning him.
"I'm not sure, you're eyes, they were onyx, you were ghostly pale. You were saying things that didn't make sense" He mumbled and rambled on.
"Well, I don't know what you expect me to do" She focused back on the TV.
"Forget it, don't frown upon it, Scott is talking to Deaton."
"Deaton." He assumed she was surprised because they hadn't spoken to him since High School ended. "He always knows more than we do"
"Yeah" She stood. "I'm gonna take a shower.."
Lydia stood in front of her 10 foot mirror, staring back at herself, her hand trailed up to the 6 inch scar, Peter so happily gave her a few years ago, and frowned. Lydia thought about what Stiles said to her, why had she thought Isaac wasn't dead, or why had she seen him? Or talked to him from the sounds of it.
She let out a loud sigh, before stepping away from her mirror and into her bathroom.
A creek came from the nob as she turned the faucet on, steam filling quickly.
Lydia stepped into the shower, letting the warm water stream down her back.
Her eyes fluttered shut.
She stood there, not moving, not making a sound, just letting the water slowly trickle down her spine. Sending chills up and down her. The water was beginning to grow colder the longer she stood.
Stiles waited outside her room sitting against the wall in front of her bedroom door.
He wanted so desperately to knock and make sure she was okay. He pulled his legs, hugging them, fighting the urge. He rested his head on his knees, and bit his lip.
He couldn't take the agony any longer, he rose up and formed a fist, reaching to knock, when the door flew open.
"Jesus" He fell back slightly.
Lydia stood there, in her towel, soaking. 
Stiles licked his lips, and attempted for form words around his lips, for why he was waiting for her, but nothing. Only soft unattractive mutters.
"Come in here" She pulled him and shut the door.
"Look" She pointed at the bathroom door.
"What exactly am I looking at?"
"Look closer"
Lydia pushed him up against the door. "I believe we have some unfinished business" She purred.
Stiles' eyes widened. "We do?" He swallowed.
"I remember some of last night" She cooed, palming his face. "Before I went insane" She added.
"Oh" He swallowed. "Yeah well, maybe we shouldn't"
"Why not?" She backed away slowly.
"Because I'm a tease" He grinned.
"Fuck you" She pushed him up against the door.
"Please do"
1. its GETTING HOT IN HERE *fans self*
2. You're welcome damnnnnnnnnn, this is not how I expected this chapter to turn out.
3. prepare for some mild smut next chapter *wink*
luhhh you
xoxo - cat

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