What Are We?

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"Lydia I don't want you to think you have to forget Isaac, you don't" Stiles reached over to stroke Lydia's long strawberry curls.
"I know" She sighed, because she had forgotten. For about an hour at least. The only thing on her mind was Stiles. In fact, that's all she thought about. She took a breath and folded her arms across her chest. "Thank's though" She turned and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Always here for you Lyds" He smiled, dimples and all. Stiles only gave people he truly and deeply cared about a smile like that. And Lydia knew that.
"Stiles can I ask you a question?"
"Of course"
"What are we?" She blushed.
"Uh-um" He scratched the back of his neck. "Wow, way to put me on the spot Lyds" He chuckled an awkward laugh. "Well, what do you want us to be" He said proudly.
"Proud of that are we?"
"Very" He said relieved.
Lydia sat up and Stiles let go of her hair "To be honest" She started.
"You're scaring me" He sat up with her.
"I'm not really sure what we're waiting for"
Stiles gave her a genuine smile. "Me either"
"You have been in love with me since third grade"
Stiles rolled his eyes "Don't do that"
"Stiles everyone knows"
"Still embarrassing" He shook his head.
"Its cute" She teased.
"Don't start that, it's too early for that"
"Never too early for that sweetie" She purred.
"You were saying" He muttered.
"Anyway, I think we should maybe, ya know, work something out? Like I mean you're here all the time, so you might as well" She rambled.
"Lyds are you asking me to move in?"
"Only if you want to" She turned a light shade of pink.
"Living with Lydia Martin, hmm" He teased. "Sounds like something I might be interested in" He smiled the same cheeky smile.
"Are you serious?" She said shocked.
"Yeah" He bit his lip nervously. "I'm serious"
A smiled a mile long grew on each of their faces, then Stiles pulled Lydia into a heart-warming hug.
Scott came over long enough for Lydia and Stiles to tell him the news.
Scott was shocked, but happy of course he knows how much Stiles adores Lydia.
After Scott left they decided to unpack the rest of Lydia's boxes that were still scattered throughout the apartment, many in the spare bedroom, that was soon going to be Stiles' room.
After they cleared out Stiles' room then hurried to Stiles' dad house to get his belongings.
"Still can't believe I'm moving in with Lydia Martin" Stiles cooed as he buckled his seat belt.
"Keep saying it, and you won't" Lydia winked.
Stiles reached over and grabbed her hand and kissed the top lightly, causing Lydia to giggle. He let go and turned the car on and backed out.
Lydia watched him, so serious. She smiled a little and turned to look out the window.
"Are you trying not to stare at me" He laughed quietly.
Lydia looked at him as he continued to look at the road, concentrating. She noticed every little detail about him, how he rolled his eyes every time there was a red light, or how when he blinked, he would blink three times. How he constantly touched his face, or ran his nimble fingers through his hair, and when they pulled up to a red light, he would give a quick smile and wave to the people next to them.
Lydia couldn't control it. She couldn't control her feelings. All the little things he did, made her stomach flip.
Her eyes glazed over, hooded, a smile formed over her lips, she reached for Stiles hand, and placed a smiling kiss on it.
"What are you thinking about?" He smiled at her then focused back on the road.
"Wouldn't you like to know"
1. owwww my heartttttt!!!
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