Can It Wait?

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"Lyds?" Stiles woke, well-rested and pleased. Stiles and Lydia ended up going all night. The sun was hardly shining through the blinds, which meant, he'd slept all day. He groaned, plopped back down and rubbed his face with his hands vigorously.

"Stiles?" Lydia peaked her head through his door, he hadn't noticed he was in his room, they must have gravitated in there sometime during the night.

"Hey" He sat up, hugging the sheets.

Lydia sat at the end of the bed. "Hi" She smiled.

"Last night was intense" He bit his lip.

"Yeah" She blushed. "You hungry?"

"Don't worry about me" He stood, pulling on his sweat pants. "I'll make something" He kissed her and grabbed her hand.

Her pony tail danced, as she skipped along side Stiles.

She followed him into the kitchen, and pushed him up against the cabinet.

"Lyds what are you-" She cut him off with a open-mouthed kiss. "Wait. Stop" He said between breaths. He pulled her off. "Can I eat first?" He laughed.

Lydia looked down in embarrassment.

"Hey" He lifted her head. "Trust me I want to"

She smiled.

"But, I'm starving"

"Can it wait?" She purred.

"You're gonna kill me" He followed her back into the bedroom.


Hours later, they finally, decided they were going to die unless they ate something. But they just laid there, unable to move, not that they wanted to.

"I can't move" Stiles croaked.

Lydia started hysterically laughing.

"Is it possible to die from too much sex?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No" She propped up on her elbows, and ran her fingers through his hair.



"I love you"

"You're not just saying that cause we just had sex are you?" She joked.

"Might be" He teased.

She smacked his head. "Not funny"

"Yes, Lydia, I love you, regardless of that, I loved you way before"

"I love you, Stiles"





1. yoooOOOO writters block ASf

2. short chapter sorry!!!!!!!!!!

3. first 'i love yous' awwwwww.  

4. vote and comment!!!!!!!

xoxo - cat  

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