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Lydia was depressed. Its been about a week and a half since Isaac's death, Lydia definitely wasn't handling it well. Everything around her began to affect her the way it shouldn't, everything Stiles said to her, she took offense.
Scott hasn't been around either, which was only making matters worse.
Stiles tried everything he could but she wouldn't get out of bed, she wasn't eating, she never left the house.
"Stiles just stop" Lydia cried as he tried to get her out of bed.
"Lyds" He said with worry in his eyes. "You have to get out of bed eventually"
"Not now!" She yelled and covered her face with blankets.
"You haven't eaten anything since." He paused, he didn't want to remind her.
"You haven't eaten in a week, aren't you hungry?"
"No" She mumbled.
He sighed and gave up.
Stiles walked and sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.
"Isaac Lahey died in a car fir-"
Stiles turned it off and yelled quietly and threw the remote.
"Stiles" Lydia stood at the end of the hallway.
"Hey" He stood.
"Are they talking about Isaac" She walked over to him.
"Yeah" He huffed. "They haven't stopped."
"Turn it on"
"Lydia I don't think that's a-"
"Turn. It. On" She demanded.
Stiles bent down to get the remote and turned the TV on again.
Lydia curled up on the couch and starting biting her nails nervously.
On the TV they showed pictures of the fire and body bags going into an ambulance.
A tear ran down her cheek. Stiles sat next to her and wiped it away with the pad of his thumb.
She gave him a half smile.
He smiled back "Don't fake it"
She broke. Tears falling rapidly, her face flushed.
Lydia buried her face in Stiles' neck and just cried. She cried until there was nothing left. A few sobs and sniffles later she looked up at him, he also had been crying, she hadn't heard him of course. "Stiles..."
"Feel better?" He joked.
"No." She looked down.
She smiled.
"Thought so."
"Wanna make breakfast?" She laughed.
"Its 6 pm." He smiled "Anything for you my dear" He stood reaching for her hand.
She gripped it tight and he pulled her up off the couch and into a tight hug.
They skipped to the kitchen.
She smiled.
Stiles had his back turned but he knew she was laughing. "Whats so funny?"
"You're cute" She blushed.
"What about now?" He turned with a piece of bacon across his face.
"You're just an idiot now" She laughed.
Stiles stuck his tongue out. "Rude" He joined her laugh.
The smell of bacon filled the house, it made Lydia's stomach growl.
"You better hurry up" She gripped her stomach.
"I'll take my time"
Lydia stood from the bar stool and walked over to Stiles and smacked his head slightly.
"What was that for" He said rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't sass me Stilinski"
"Yes ma'am" He said handing her a piece of bacon. "Here" He said with a sarcastic tone. 
She scrunched her nose and took it without hesitation. "Thank you" She whipped around her hair brushing his arm slightly. 
They both sat at the breakfast table. Stealing secret glances every few minutes.
Neither one of them talked though. Not until the door bell rang. Lydia sprang to life and jumped out of her seat. "Scott!" She yelled opening the door and jumping into his arms.
"Miss me?" He set her down.
"Yes jack-ass" She pushed him "Where the hell have you been"
"Out of town" He walked in "I smell bacon" He said walking into the kitchen.
"Hey" Stiles waved.
Scott smirked. "Hey"
"Doing okay?" Stiles asked.
"Moderately" He answered.
"Sit" Lydia said pushing him to the window seat.
"Why so pushing Lydia?"
"Sorry" She said sitting. "Just missed you"
"Missed you too"
"Hungry?" Stiles said putting his plate in the sink.
Scott didn't stay long he had a lacrosse meet.
Lydia just stayed on the couch watching the same news channel for hours.
"Lyds?" Stiles said waving in her face. "Ready for bed?"
"Yeah" She said without meaning. "You staying?"
"I can"
"Stay" She smiled.
1. Hello!! If you're reading this then yay no one reads these!!!
2. You guys aren't giving me feed back!! Do you like this story yes ooor no??
3. Vote and comment as always. luh uuuuu xoxo

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