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A horn blared outside of Stiles' house, he was half asleep half awake, but it was loud and long enough to make him jump. 

"What the fuck" He rubbed his eyes.

The horn beeped again. "Ugh" He sighed and slumped over trying to get out of bed.

Headlights were shining through his blinds. He picked up his phone, 2:42 am.

Stiles walked sluggishly to the front door and walked out to the beeping car. 

"Lydia?" He said squinting.

"Hi" She replied.

"What are you doing here? Its almost 3am."

"I needed to see you." 

"Why now?" 

"Can I come inside?" She said turning her car off. 

"Of course." Stiles opened Lydia's door and reached for her hand. 

Lydia wore a big t-shirt and socks, her hair in a half-up-half-down pony. 

Stiles smiled. 

"Stop it Stilinski" 

Lydia walked into his house holding her arms against her chest. She couldn't think of a possible reason why she had come to his house in the middle of the night. 

Stiles walked her into his bedroom. 

"You can stay here." He said.

"So can you" She smirked.

They climbed into the bed keeping a safe distance.

"So are you gonna tell me why you're here?"

"Does it matter?" She said rubbing her feet softly against his.

"No" He swallowed.

She inched over to him and rested her head against his chest, his heart raced.

"Calm down Stiles, we aren't gonna do anything" She giggled.

"I know, its just Lydia Martin is in my bed..." He joked.

"You're an idiot." 

"I've only dreamt about this about a million times" 

"Oh my God" She smiled and kicked him slightly.

He wrapped his arms around her, causing her to create goosebumps along her arms and send a jolt of electricity down her spin.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you since I left yesterday.." She started.

"Me either." He said breathless. "Why'd you leave?"

"I got nervous.."

"What Lydia Martin doesn't get nervous!" They laughed.

"I missed you Stiles, don't leave again."

"It wasn't easy leaving, but it also wasn't easy coming back either."

"Because of Malia?" 

"Yes because of Malia, we had a rough ending, but I'm over it, it was years ago."

"You don't have to be over it, she was your first love."

"No she wasn't, you were" His heart picked up the pace even more, his hands started sweating. He couldn't figure out why he said that.


"I don't know why I said that.." 

"Stiles, its okay."

"Its true" Dammit shut up Stiles! He thought and arched his eyebrows and scrunched his nose.

She could feel him tense up and she tighten her grip around his waist.

"I know" 

Of course she knew, he must of told her a hundred times, or other people have, he didn't exactly keep it a secret in high school.

They didn't talk much after that, but words didn't need to be spoken to know how they were feeling. 

By the time it was morning, Stiles' dad walked in and saw Lydia and Stiles his heart warmed at the sight. He knew how much Stiles loved her and how much he still does even if he didn't say it, mostly because he had a smile a mile long across his face.

See you again - StydiaWhere stories live. Discover now