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All he could do was just sit back, and watch.

Lydia could be dying.

This was the only thought going through his mind, as the ambulance raced its way to the hospital, the time it took to get there, felt like an eternity.

Lydia could be dying. This time his thoughts were more serious, the paramedics in there with them were hooking her up into various machines, Lydia gripped Stiles' hand, as they put an IV into her arm. She shut her eyes, wincing in pain.

The ambulance took a sharp turn, and everything shifted.

"Hurry up!" One guy yelled to the driver.

Stiles took this as a sign they were a little worried. "Is she gonna be okay?!"

Lydia tried to choke words out, but all that came out was muffled moans.

This made Stiles' heart shatter, he couldn't stand to see her like this, so. So helpless.

He also couldn't help but think, that he couldn't do anything, and it was all his fault. (you know which part).

After what felt like ages, the finally pulled into the hospital. They pulled the stretcher out from the back and wheeled her in.

Stiles heard the guys from the ambulance shouting, he was far behind, he had a hard time getting out since he couldn't stop shaking.

Once he got out, he ran after the guys, only to see the doors to an operating room, swinging shut.

He ran his fingers through his hair and run up to the lady behind the desk.

"Can I help yo-" Stiles cut her off. "I need to know if- if..."

The lady just turned her head, and typed on her computer. "Looking for Lydia Martin, I assume."

Stiles choked out a low, 'yes'.

"She's in surgery, are you her husband?"

Stiles contemplated lying and saying yes, thus having a better chance of seeing her, but lying was going to get him nowhere. "No but I'm the father of the baby."

"Room 213."

Stiles rushed to the elevators, and was surprised to see the person standing next to him.

"Kira?" Stiles quaked.

She didn't say anything, she just walked out when it reached her floor.

Stiles rolled his eyes and pounded the close button.

Moments later, he was dressed head to toe, in blue scrubs.

Lydia's face was the only thing he could see, the rest of her was hidden behind a white, sheet.

Lydia fluttered her eyes when she caught the sight of Stiles hovering above her.

She still couldn't talk, but she smiled a painfully, lying smile. He knew she was in pain. Stiles still had no idea what was going on, when they let him into the room all they did was tell him to 'put this on, stay behind the curtain, and shut up.' So he did.

The doctors behind the curtain, were doing things to Lydia, Stiles couldn't even imagine.

Lydia let out a sharp ear wrenching yell, then everything went silent.

Time seemed to be going in slow, motion. He looked up at the clock, it was still ticking. Then he looked back down at Lydia, watching her eyes fall shut.

"Lydia!" He wailed. "What's happening!" He tried to look around the curtain, but someone stopped him.

The silence was broken, by a pulsating, crying.

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