Some Weird Banshee Thing

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Water droplets hang onto Lydia's lashes, fragile bones lay against the cold hard tile. 
The water seemed to be dropping in slow motion, making a distinct sound each drop. 
The air was hot and steamed brushed over her skin. 
Her eyes flutter open, staring into the dark room. Water stung her eyes as she looked directly into the shower head. She positioned herself up forgetting where she was for a brief second before scrabbling to her feet. 
"Shit" She hissed, and pulled the curtain around the rod. Desperately looking for a towel, she had totally forgotten about Stiles. Shaking hands searched for the light switch, then back to look for her phone.
5 missed calls 17 missed texts from Stiles. 
10:02 pm. 
She was supposed to be ready at 7. 
She dialed his number. 
"Oh my God Stiles, I'm so sorry I fell asleep in the shower." 
"I know" Then there was sudden knock at the bathroom door. She looked at it confused. But didn't hesitate to open it. 
She ran at the person's open arms. 
"Stiles. I'm so sorry!" 
"Lyds its okay" He tried not to think about the fact she was naked underneath her towel.
She pulled away and blushed as she thought about she was naked underneath the towel.
"I should-uh-get dressed."
"Yeah, but I should probably get going I've been siting in here since 7:30."
She heaved, "Stiles" She looked at him longingly. 
"Don't worry about it" He laughed. "I figured you'd fallen asleep." 
"You can stay, again-if you like?" She said stopping him from walking away. 
"You really don't have to make it up to me, I should of left awhile ago"
"But you didn't" 

Lydia got dress in the bathroom. 
Stiles was waiting for her to get dressed he waited in the living room. 
"Are you sure you don't wanna stay?" She said handing him his jacket from the couch. 
"Lyds" He gripped her shoulders "I'm fine. Its okay" He kissed her forehead, squinting his eyes trying to fight not wanting to kiss more of her.
She pulled him into a long, tight hug. She breathed in his scent as if it was a drug. 
She never thought she would miss him the way she did. But God she didn't want him to leave. 
Thunder crack outside the window causing the apartment to shake underneath them. 
"That scared the hell out of me" Lydia said holding him tighter than she had before.
The rain came down hard, sounding like a million baseballs hitting the roof. 
The room was dark, but the lightening lit it up quick. 
"Where the hell did this come from?" Stiles croaked.
Lydia bent down for the TV remote and quickly flipped on the weather channel, just as they were about to say how long it was going to last, the power went out. 
"Great" Stiles grunted. 
"Well guess you're staying." 
"You didn't plan this did you?" 
"How the hell would I do that?"
"I don't know" He flirted "Some weird banshee thing" 
She giggled and pulled him onto the couch. 
"Haven't heard you say anything about that in a long time...too long" She mumbled softly crashing her head into the crook of his neck and shoulder.
He couldn't think of anything he'd rather be doing. 
The storm raged on outside the window.
Stiles and Lydia lie perfectly still, not wanting this moment to end. 

**pretty damn proud of this chapter not gonna lie**

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