Enemy Fire

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"Who's a friend, who's an enemy, cause sometimes they look the same to me, but looks can be pleasing, yet so deceiving. Sweet words from a serpents tongue, it's like playing with a loaded gun."

Bea Miller "Enemy Fire."


Stiles and Lydia stood there, staring at the horror that is plastered across Scott's face when he spoke.

He didn't stop pacing though, when he told them, that he-Isaac- had in fact broken out of jail, because of some anger-ridden werewolf thing and that no one had been able to find him for the past 24 hours.

Lydia's mind wondered why he had broken out of jail, how could he be that dumb?

"Well what are we going to do?" Lydia thought out loud. Stumbling over most of the words, partially because she didn't mean to say it, and because she was terrified.

"Look for him." Scott said matter-of-factly, eyes wide.

"Are you kidding?" Lydia whisper-yelled.

Scott cocked his head, then looked at Stiles. "You and I can go look for him, Lydia you stay here."

"Again. Are you kidding!?" She was yelling now.

"Sadly no, we need to find them before the police does, they could kill him." Scott said walking towards the door, grabbing Stiles' arm in his palm. "Let's go."

Stiles mouthed an 'i'm sorry' before leaving with Scott.

Leaving Lydia standing alone, pissed and confused.

She wished she could down a half of bottle of vodka. But she can't. Clearly.

She rolled her eyes and stumbled over to the couch, sitting, and resting her elbow on the arm rest of the couch, palming her head in her hand.

Once she heard Scott and Stiles leaving she grew more and more worried. All she could do now, was wait.

Exactly thirteen minutes later she heard a noise coming from outside the sliding glass door.

She swallowed hard.

Lydia hesitated for a minute, then she heard it again.

"Hello?" She called. "Scott?"

Then it stopped.

She furrowed her brows and stood, creeping closer to the door, paused when she thought she heard it again.

A flash of orange, walked past, that's when she knew who it was, and slid the door open with all her force.

"Isaac!" She hollered. "I saw you."

He popped his head up.

"What are you doing here!"

"Shh!" He climbed up the fence and walked onto the porch.

He pushed himself and Lydia inside, closing the door and hitting the light switch.

"What are you doing."

He flashed his eyes, they glowed a vibrant yellow. "Do you want me to get caught?"

"You do know I'm going to have to call the cops, right?"

"Wait. I came to see you." He brushed his hand over Lydia's left cheek.

"What for?" She eyed his movements.

"I've. uh." He laughed hastily.

"Today Isaac." Lydia growled.

Her thoughts were cut off by Isaac pushing her up against the glass door, locking his lips with hers.

His kisses were, sweet, and loving, and no. This is wrong.

She tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge.

Isaac just kept pushing his force against her, kissing her like he means it.

Then he pulled back "Lydia, I love you, I always have, I can't stand to be away, I mean-" He paused to clear his throat. "I know I have to go back, but I can't live without knowing, I at least got the chance to tell you."

"Isaac." Lydia shook her head.

"I know, I know." He gripped her waist, pulling her closer.

This is her best friend, she can't.

"This is wrong." She slid out from under him, then paced, balling her fists between one-another, biting her lip.

"Why not?" He questioned her. "Cause of Stiles?"

"No.." She mumbled. "I'm pregnant, with his baby, this is wrong, and I can't." She fumbled for her phone. "You have to go."

"You—you're pregnant?" He swallowed, walking up behind her, grabbing her phone.

Lydia turned, her hair following behind in a wave. "You have to leave!"

"How many time's are you going to tell me to leave?" He joked.

"Until you do!" She said through gritted teeth. "Give me my phone back." She calmed.

Just then cop cars swarmed around the apartment.

Sirens wailing through their ears.

"How did they find me?!" He hollered peaking through the blinds.

Scott and Stiles walked through the door.

"We never left, we knew you would come here." Stiles explained. "Come on Lydia." Stiles grabbed her hand and pulled her into her room.

They watched out her bedroom window, they watch them struggle to get Isaac into the car, handcuffing him.

Lydia sighed. "Did you see all of it."

Stiles nodded.

"I'm sorry." She closed her eyes, trying to fight back the tears with the strength she had left.

"Don't worry about it."

"What are they going to do to him?"

"Don't know, but you did the right thing." He smiled, and put his hand on her back, rubbing gently.

"He told me he loved me, that he always have, that he can't live without knowing he told me."

"Yeah, he's not right in the head, the fire and jail is really getting to him, don't worry too much about it."

"Yeah." But she did, and she was.

Maybe she loved him too? Not like she loved Stiles. But of course she loved him.

Maybe she felt bad for him, maybe she wanted him to stay.

Maybe he should of.


The sun was what woke Lydia the next day. Shining like heavens through the blinds, which she still hadn't managed to fix, when she moved in.

Stiles was gone, but somehow he managed to still irritate her. Her phone was blowing up, that damned bird.

Text. - Stiles.

"How do you know Deputy Parrish."










XOoxoxo idk - cat

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