I'm On Fire

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"Oh how my anchors get me through these waves. Stay aligned it's time to be brave. Can the anchor's hold me through this change? Oh my God can you believe I'm here on my knee's again."

Fort Hope "I'm on Fire"


"Malia. This is wrong, I can't be here." Stiles stood up from her couch, and bent down to pick up his shirt.

"Whatever, just don't worry about it, she'll get over it." Malia snapped.

"What? No she won't, she's pregnant." He said matter-a-fact.

"I thought you said you go into a fight? I didn't know you guys were actually together, I would have never done what we just did if I knew that. Get out of my house you pig!" She hollered.

"We didn't even do anything, we just made-out..but whatever Malia." Stiles added.

"Oh and Stiles."

Stiles turned and cocked his head.

"I don't wanna see you again, so don't ever come back." She smiled, a devilish smile.

"Don't worry." He smiled back. "I won't." And he walked out.


It's 2:30 am. And he's still not back.

Lydia was pacing back in forth in the living room, biting her nails nervously.

Then she suddenly got this weird feeling.

Something she's known, she's experienced it from time to time. She's definitely craving something.

"Damn, I want some pancakes." She whispered once she realized.

Lydia grabbed her fifty pound purse and fled the room.

Practically running down the driveway, kinda excited. Ever since she was at the hospital, she hasn't been hungry. She was definitely going to take advantage will she can.

She pulled into the 24/7 diner about a half hour later.

Ordered pancakes and practically the whole damn menu.

She was sat at a booth, fiddling with her nails, waiting for her food to arrive.

"Hey." A familiar voice boomed.

Lydia looked all around, then she saw him. Jordan. She waved him over.

"I'm beginning to think you're following me." She flirted.

"Just a night shift. Thought I'd get some coffee." Jordan smiled. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get your name?"

"Lydia." She held her hand out. Showing off her perfectly manicured nails.

"Pleasure." He shook her hand.

"Sit." She gestured to the other side of the booth.

He smiled and did as she asked.

"So." She leaned forward.

"How are you? How's your arm?" Jordan asked, very pleasantly, his voice was definitely something she could get used to.

"Perfect." She cooed.

"That's good." He smiled, with his teeth this time.

Then the lady came out from behind the counter with her, feast.

"This all for you?" Jordan joked.

"You're welcome to stay, I mean, I can't eat this all by myself." She added, a little to quick.

"Okay." He said, just as fast.


Stiles ended up coming home right after he left Malia's only to find, Lydia isn't even here.

"Lydia?" He called.

He rolled his eyes, and placed his hands on his head, and strutted down the hall to his room. He sat at the corner of his bed, sighed then fell back, his head hitting the bed with a soft thud.

Lydia walked through the door shortly after.

Stiles heard keys, and the door close.

He called for her again.

"Out here." Lydia hollered back and sat on the couch propping her feet up on the couch, shifting them underneath her.

"Hi.." He waved from the end of the hallway.

"Where'd you go?" They said in sync.

Lydia smirked, then it was gone within seconds. "I went out to eat." She replied. "I was craving pancakes."

"Oh." He sat on the smaller couch.

"Where'd you go?" She asked, with sass, clearly there.

"No where.." He lied.


"I went to Malia's house.." He admitted.

"Cool Stiles." She stood. "You can go get her pregnant too!" Then she slammed the door to her bedroom.

Stiles groaned.

Should he really just let her walk away?

"No." His voice thundered.

He stormed through her bedroom door.

"Lydia, stop. I fucking love your ass okay? So what if we fight? I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you. I made-out with Malia, whatever, but that was stupid. And I'm beyond sorry." He huffed, out of breath. "I don't even know what I was doing when I left or what I was thinking, this is like, my fucking dream."

Lydia was about to say something when he held up a finger. "And. We're having a baby, right now, this very moment, there is life inside of you, that is half me and half you, that's kinda morbid.." He muttered. "Doesn't matter, I just know one thing Lydia, I love you. So if we're gonna do this, we're doing it together, we're a team remember?"

Lydia just stared at him completely stunned.

"Say something before I pass out." He awed.

"I can't think of anything." She bit her lip, and her eyes were glazed.

"Try?" He begged.

Lydia crashed her lips against his. He melted.

She pulled back. "I love your ass too."

"I'm so sorry Lydia.." He apologized, cupping her face in his hands.

"Its okay..I don't care, I have you, now. I never thought in a million years, that I would be with you. And having a kid with you for that matter, but Stiles." She paused. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

He smiled, that fucking smile.

"Stop it." She murmured.

"What." He titled his head up slightly to the beat of the word. He knew what he was doing.




1. ow my stydia feels wtf why am i doing this to myself.

2. do you like the song thing? i do i think it sets the mood for the chapter, I LIKE IT ITS GOING TO BE A THING.

3. uh. idk what to say, it wrote the ending @ 4am, so if its super cheesy, i'm sorry, i get emotional AT NIGHT. < if you said that like spongebob, hi best friend.



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