We Got A Problem

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Lydia's eyes are glued to the door, her eyes wide, and black. Her shaky hand reaches for the door nob but is cut off by Stiles gripping her wrist.
"Lydia what are you doing?" He stared down at her.
"You didn't here that?" She looked up into Stiles' eyes, her lip quivers.
"No, but I'm pretty sure you're insane"
"You didn't hear the knocking?" She whispered focusing back on the door.
Stiles lets go of her wrist and opens the door.
"See" He gestured. "Nothing" Lydia walks out the door, staring blanking.
"Lydia where are you going?" He followed her, as she continued to walk into the dark, Stiles lost sight of her for awhile.
"Lydia?" He called for her. No response. He sighed loudly, and gripped his hair in frustration. Stiles knew how drunk she was, because he, himself was very intoxicated.
Lydia walked up to the door where Stiles was sitting. "I thought I saw him leaving, but he wouldn't stop, he just kept walking" She mumbled.
Stiles arched his eyebrows, "Lydia" He sighed in annoyance. "Isaac is dead"
"Why do you keep saying that?" She pushed him aside as he stood and walked passed him into the living room. "He's not dead" She whipped around. "I saw him"
"Okay Lydia" He closed the door behind them.
"Why don't you believe me?"
"Because, Lydia. He.Is.Dead."
She shook her head. "I'll call him"
Stiles looked at her very unhappy and rolled his eyes. "Okay Lyds"
Lydia pulled out her phone and dialed Isaac's number. Straight to voice mail.
"Ugh" She dialed it again. And again, straight to voice mail. "Why isn't he answering" Now she was shaking in anger.
Stiles walked up behind her and took her phone. "I'm not gonna tell you again" He said with worry in his voice.
She turned around and buried her face in his chest, letting out a loud sigh.
"I'm gonna call Scott, okay?" He said gripping her shoulders.
She nodded.
"Scott?" Stiles said as he closed the front door behind him.
"Yeah, what's up?" Scott said half asleep.
"We got a problem"
"Which is?"
"Lydia thinks Isaac is still alive." He took a deep breath, those words scared him.
"What do you mean?" Stiles could hear him sitting up in bed.
"She's drunk, and she thinks Isaac is alive"
"What? I don't understand" He said confused.
"Scott I don't know how else to say it"
"I'm on my way" Scott hung up.
Scott arrived minutes later. "Where is she?" Scott asked.
Stiles was sitting on the door step.
"Inside" He replied.
They walked in and Lydia was sitting in the middle of the floor with her head in her hands.
"Lydia?" Scott said putting a hand on her shoulder.
She turned around. "Hi" Scott smiled.
She just stared blank.
Scott crouched next to her. "Lydia, you know Isaac passed away a few weeks ago, right?"
"No" She bit her lip in anger.
"Maybe its time for bed" Stiles chimed in.
"Yeah" Scott said reaching for Lydia's hand. She hesitated but took it.
Scott guided Lydia to her room, but she wouldn't stop talking about Isaac.
Scott reassured her that he was in fact dead, she wouldn't listen.
Lydia was in bed.
Scott and Stiles walked into the living room.
"Tell me I shouldn't be worried" Stiles questioned Scott.
"I don't understand" He sat down, "I don't understand why she doesn't know? It doesn't make sense" He rambled.
"Me either, but Scott, when we were at the club the night Isaac died, she kept thinking she saw him, maybe she see's him when she's drunk?"
"That's kinda bizarre don't ya think?"
"Or is it? She is a banshee." Stiles arched a brow. "Maybe this has something to do with it?"
"Just talk to her in the morning, I'm too tired to think about this now" Scott said leaving. "Just don't talk to her now" He said holding the door.
"Just don't" Then he was gone.
Stiles closed the door and locked it and turned around to see Lydia standing in the hallway.
"Hey, why aren't you in bed?" Stiles asked.

1.cliffhangers are my fave, MUAAHAHHA.
2. my computer is being a dick head, it wont fucking charge so if there are any mistakeS IM SORRY DONT HATE MEhh. 
3. also pls dont hate me bc my story is ruining your lives LUH U KISSES
XOXO -cat

See you again - StydiaWhere stories live. Discover now