Just My Soul Responding

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"Oh and I wanna be here when morning comes, when the stars in the sky fade into one. Oh and I wanna be here when times are hard. When the beating of your heart is like a drum."

Amber Run "Just My Soul Responding"


It's been about a week since Lydia found out she was pregnant.

But since it's officially summer in Beacon Hills. It's hot. Very hot.

It's also summer break, which means kids. are. everywhere.

Lydia needs to get used to both.


"Stiles!" Lydia screamed and sat up quick, almost getting whip-lash.

"What." He groaned, his voice muffled by a pillow.

"Why aren't you at work!" She smacked his back.

"First of all, ow, second. I took today off to stay with you."


"Does it matter? I'm here." He sat up. Yawning and stretching.

He leaned over and kissed Lydia on the forehead. "Stay here." He whispered and flipped the sheets, and skipped out of the room.

"What—okay." Lydia plopped back down, covering her face with a pillow.

All Lydia heard for the next twenty minutes or so, was Stiles, either cussing, dropping something, or grunting.

Until he came through the door, the door hit the wall behind it with a loud bang.

"Getting better at this cooking thing if I do say so myself— Lydia get up!"

"I am awake you idiot." She pulled the pillow off her face and her jaw dropped.

Eggs, bacon, fruit and orange juice.

She smiled and scrunched her nose. "Really?"

"Of course!" He chimed.

"Do I get this everyday now?" She teased.

"I don't know about that." He giggled, and sat the bed-table in front of Lydia.

"You're quite chipper this morning, you feel okay?" She sat up.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, just eat. I'm going to take a shower."

"Wait" She called. "Can I join?" She cooed.

Stiles bit his lip and smiled. "Of course, just eat first, I'll take my time."

Lydia devoured her food, joining Stiles, within minutes.

She busted through the bathroom door, she saw him jump. He had his eyes closed and was shampooing.

"You scared me." He laughed.

"Good." She said pulling off her shirt, and looked in the mirror.

She sighed before climbing in the shower, nudging him out from under the shower head.

"Not fair." He groaned.

"Don't care." She flirted.

"Once I get this shampoo out of my eyes, ohh Lydia Martin you are dead meat." He played, pushing Lydia this time.

"What are you going to do?" Lydia purred.

"I'll show you." He finished rinsing and pushed her up against the tile, pining her arms above her head. Kissing her hungrily.

Then he pulled back.

Lydia stood there with her eyes closed, waiting for him to return. But he didn't.

"Now who's being unfair."

"You had it coming."


Stiles dried himself off, then he dried Lydia off.

Lydia stood there and whipped the fog off the mirror, then stared.

"Lydia what are you doing?" He asked ruffling his hair with a towel.

"Are you going to love me when I'm fat?" She mumbled, her fingers grazing over her stomach.

Stiles stood behind her, and stopped her hand. "Lydia, you won't be fat, and I'll love you no matter what."

She turned her head. "Really?"

"Are you joking? Your fucking with me right?"

Lydia furrowed her brows.

"If you don't know that I love you regardless of anything, then you're insane."

She smiled.

He threw the towel he had, and it landed on her head.

She groaned. "Rude." and pulled it off.

"Lydia you're over reacting, just calm down." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.


Lydia ended up falling asleep on the couch. Stiles just sat there and watched her. Her feet were propped up on his lap. Her hands rested right below her chin.

Little snores escaped every so often, which made Stiles' heart warm every time.

He ran his long, skinny fingers up and down her calf, he watched as goosebumps would appear.

Also making him laugh.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." Lydia replied.

"You're awake?" He chuckled.

"Yes, why are you watching me?" She sat up stretching.

"I could watch you for hours."

"Stiles that is so creepy." She kissed his nose.

"I watch you while you sleep." He stood, holding his arms out, as if he were about to tickle her.

"Don't" She shrieked, standing up, and sprinting down the hall.

He chased after her, lifting her just before she landed on the bed and sat her on her dresser.

"What are you doing." She said hushed.

"Shh." He kissed her neck.

Lydia's eye's were glued to the wall in front of them.

Melting to his touch.

"Don't get to used to this, you won't want me when I'm fat." She blurted.

He looked up into her eyes. "Will you give up on that?"

She shook her head.

"Well you better." He said annoyed.

"Sorry, but it's true." She added.

"Whatever you say Lydia." He rested his hands on her thighs and pulled her closer.





1. this is getting realllyyyyyyyyyyy hard to write wtf. if you have any tips please help bc dying.

2. i watch you while you sleep.

3. ^ i really do.



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