Chapter 48 - Future So Bright, He Gotta Wear Shades

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A fast forward review of events that occurred the previous week....

Larry and Laurent made their road trip to the Culinary Institute of America campus. The drive was pleasant, the trip fun, and Larry was happy, barely able to contain his excitement, which gave Laurent joy. Once they arrived at the campus, Laurent watched his bunny as he looked all around him with awe.

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"Wow," Larry had said

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"Wow," Larry had said. "It's bigger than I thought it was. It's beautiful."

The two made their way to the Admissions Office, where they briefly met with the Manager Laurent had spoken with on his initial trip to the campus. Introductions were made, and arrangements were quickly made to provide Larry and Laurent with a tour of the campus. The tour included the classroom and dormitory buildings as well as other buildings on the campus such as the business office, bookstore, student lounges, recreation center, student dining facility, and the American Bounty Restaurant.

They were told that the American Bounty Restaurant was one of several restaurants and bakeries on or near the campus where CIA students honed their cooking and baking skills and that these eateries served hundreds of thousands of paying customers year-round.

Their tour consisted initially of watching a very informative 8-minute video of the campus that delved deeper into what CIA had to offer than just what a physical campus tour could provide. This was conducted in a comfortable viewing room large enough to hold about 150 people, in front of a large video-viewing screen. There were also other student hopefuls, with family members in attendance at this video viewing room.

A/N: Hey, I found this to be a very informative video and thought it worked well for my purposes here. This is the video Laurent and Larry watched as part of their campus tour. Please, imagination hats on. Keep in mind, as previously mentioned, the Culinary Institute of America campus is actually located in the Hyde Park/Hudson Valley area of New York. In my story, it's fictitiously located an hour or so outside of Arlington, Virginia. Watch all or part of the video, if interested. Dang, with all my research on this school, I found I was ready to apply to attend here myself. 😁

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