Chapter 52 - His Very Own James Bond

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Besides Ms. Bennett, and the young twenty-something looking man standing next to her, standing behind them was a small army of eight others.  Ms. Bennett introduced the crew as members of her staff.  She handed Larry one of her cards.

After a quick round of introductions, the reiteration of services to be rendered, and the signing of documentation, the team quickly went about the business of organizing, pricing, and photographing the contents of the Sandoval household in preparation for the estate sale, which was to commence on the following day, Sunday.  The photos were simultaneously uploaded to the specially created website that would belong to Larry for the duration of the sale.

Larry first escorted the team around the house showing them each room with furniture and other items up for sale.  Laurent and Playmo hung back, giving Larry and the team space as they walked from room to room, meticulously looking at each furniture and decor item to be sold, taking notes, photographing and pricing these items as they went along.  Then Larry and Celeste followed the team at a comfortable distance, amazed at the team's speed and expertise as they worked like a highly organized, well-oiled machine cataloging and tagging the items.  The team members asked questions as they moved along regarding how Larry wanted some of the items to be sold, specifically, in pieces of sets, or as a whole with regard to some of the kitchen items.

In the meantime, Laurent and Playmo took care of other things as needed and an hour or so after Ms. Bennett and her crew's arrival, Laurent received a call from the vehicle transporter hired to transport the Toyota to Sofia in Miami.  The driver stated he was minutes away from the house and wanted to know if an adult would be present who was authorized to release the vehicle to be transported.

After Laurent replied in the affirmative, shortly thereafter, the transport vehicle was pulling up to the house. The driver and a co-driver got out of the cab of the truck, introduced themselves, showed their credentials and identification to Laurent, with Playmo watching. Once all identification, scope of services, and the drop off address were confirmed, the Toyota was loaded up and secured onto the ramp.

From a distance, Larry watched Laurent hand the driver the keys to the Toyota. Laurent and the driver shook hands, after which the driver and his companion then returned to the cab of the transporter truck and slowly pull away, on its way headed South. 

Laurent could see the sadness in Larry's eyes.  He walked over towards his bunny. "You okay?"

Larry nodded. "Yeah.  I mean, I really am happy to give Sofia the Toyota.  Really I am, Laurent."

"I know.  I know you are."

"It's just that, now I feel like this means Sofia's not going to come back here, or to Virginia. She's probably going to stay in Miami now."

Laurent didn't know how to respond to that. He knew Larry wanted the best for Sofia and deep down he knew too that what was probably the worst for Larry was the seemingly endless revolving door of loss. He knew Larry felt he wasn't going to see the woman who'd up to now, had been the only good thing in his life, and that he'd not be seeing Sofia everyday again now as he had for years. 

Laurent swore that once all of this was behind Larry, he would do all he could to make this transition as smooth and painless as possible, and that more doors would open for him than close.  His bunny had experienced so much change in such a small window of time. He knew that more than anything, it was all this change that was driving many of Larry's emotions.

But Laurent was determined he would show Larry that he was losing nothing but instead was gaining a whole new home, a real home, and with it, a whole new and better life. Laurent would see to it. "Everything is going to be alright," Laurent assured Larry. "You'll see."

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