Chapter 2 - Crossing the Threshold

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Laurent arrived back at his penthouse suite feeling anxious. He didn't know why he was feeling anxious. It wasn't as if he hadn't done this type thing before. He'd had more than a few one-night stands over the years, or "encounters" as he preferred to call them. He never paid for sex, he didn't have to, and he was very picky about the men or women he chose to be with during these encounters. But for some reason, which he refused to even attempt to figure out why, he wanted this particular encounter with Larry more than any other such encounter he'd entertained in a long time.

He saw an attractive man, he wanted to get laid, end of story. Or that's what it should have been, but most specifically, not just any attractive man. He wanted Larry.  There was no question of that.  Even stranger, for some reason, he didn't care if the night ended in sex as much as he just didn't want it to end without him spending more time with Larry. There was just something about him that reached out to him. He'd never before experienced such a feeling upon initially meeting someone.  He couldn't explain it.

A/N:  This is an aerial view of the front room of Laurent's hotel penthouse suite

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A/N: This is an aerial view of the front room of Laurent's hotel penthouse suite.

When he arrived at his suite, Laurent discarded his suit jacket, kicked off his shoes, removed his tie from his jacket pocket where he'd placed it earlier, and freshened up a bit. He turned on the TV, then immediately turned it off. He carried on pretending he didn't care if Larry showed up or not, all the while checking every minute that ticked away on his luxury, black-faced Movado watch, still hoping Larry would take him up on his invitation. He'd even resorted to pacing when he found he was unable to sit still. Just, waiting.

Fourteen minutes had passed. Frustrated, he removed the watch, placing it on the nightstand next to the bed. When Larry still hadn't shown up, Laurent blew out a breath, his head thrown back, bracing his hands on his slim hips, disappointed in the fact that he was probably never going to see Larry again.

He reached up, about to unbutton and discard his shirt when there was a soft knock at the front door of his suite. In long strides, Laurent headed from the bedroom to the front door. He looked through the peep hole to find Larry standing there, his head down.

Laurent blew out a breath of relief before he opened the door. The two openly stared at each other.  Laurent's eyes then moved lower, watching as Larry nibbled at his full bottom lip, something Laurent wanted very much to do to Larry himself, among other things. "Hi." Laurent's lips turned up in a slow smile.

"Hi. I...I umm. I...I wasn't sure if—"

"Come in." Laurent stood aside to allow Larry to enter. Laurent smiled at the adorable bundle of nerves Larry appeared to be, his shopping bags held low in front of him like a shield as he shifted his tall slender weight from one foot to the other. "I'm glad you decided to come." Larry looked even more beautiful in the bright light of the hallway; Laurent observed.

Larry hesitated for a second before crossing the threshold of Laurent's penthouse suite.

"Can I take those from you?"

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