Chapter 14 - Discoveries

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While Larry was on his way, running errands and otherwise taking control of his life, Laurent had been hard at work sitting in a safehouse in a non-descript location somewhere in Brooklyn, glued to the front of a keyboard and an array of live monitors, watching, listening, recording, and documenting intel as it flowed in.

He'd contacted his friend requesting if he could continue to use his condo for the rest of the week, the duration of his stay in New York, before he had to return to Virginia by Monday of next week.  It was now Wednesday.  His friend gladly granted the request.

Laurent had left his friend's New Jersey condo around daybreak that morning wanting to get an early start on his way to the safe house.  He was met by the team of IT specialists/operatives who'd briefed him in Virginia weeks prior.  They'd been there most of the night.

As expected, they'd flown in to assist Laurent, the supervising Operative, with monitoring and documenting the intel.  And when he'd arrived at the safehouse, he was instantly briefed on the latest findings.  The team and Laurent were working in shifts in an effort to timely wrap up the CIA's investigation.

As he'd hoped, the recommendation Laurent made to his superiors that the POI, Sandoval, be sent on a bogus goodwill mission to Nicaragua, was proving to be very fruitful.  When Sandoval wasn't visiting local schools, hospitals and communities, and meeting with local community leaders by day, per his intended bogus work mission, as Laurent had anticipated, he was conducting nefarious deeds on his free time.

Along with other local and international "businessmen" thought to be either associates of Sandoval or customers to his activities, Sandoval had been seen coming and going from a couple of his establishments, both opulent and seedy, the latter being described by a local Operative as something akin to a sweatshop or grooming facility where people were sorted according to their respective skill set and/or where they were needed, such as laborers, kitchen staff, call girls, and street sex workers, domestic workers, and even body-part donors, in preparation for their respective auctions.

Local Operatives had taken video footage, and when possible, audio recordings and sent them to Laurent and his team, as well as video evidence of large vehicles coming and going from both facilities as well as the transportation in relation to the smaller facilities outside of Nicaragua, also being watched and monitored.  These comings and goings were also being watched over by heavily armed militia, no doubt meant to keep strangers out and the human supply in.

It was soon revealed that the commodities being transported were mostly young men, women, young girls, some underaged, children and even some elderly, all anywhere between the ages of 13 and 65 who, further intel indicated, were being prepped to be auctioned off to the highest bidders for various uses.

Emmanuel Dmitry Sandoval, who'd until now, had only been rumored to have some involvement in this activity, was now shown to be a key figure in the trafficking of human commodities, and had his hand in every disgusting pot.  Laurent recalled Sandoval referred to his business activities as import/export, and supply, which Larry had confirmed Sandoval had told him the same.  The thought of it made Laurent sick with outrage.

Since human trafficking, or what is known by today's standards as modern-day slavery, is the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts, either through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, Laurent dug even deeper.  When the intel supported that Sandoval was indeed a key figure in human trafficking in at least Nicaragua, and possibly Costa Rico, El Salvador and the United States, Laurent was immediately reminded of things Larry had told him.

From his initial intel briefing, when Laurent was led to believe Sandoval was married, and to a woman in Nicaragua, when in fact he was married to a man, Larry Sandoval (formally Lacy Stevens) he was now filled with questions.  The marriage certificate indicated the marriage took place in Nicaragua.  How did Larry end up in Nicaragua in the first place?  Was "Lacy" a typo, or was the name meant to deceive and make it seem like Sandoval had married a woman in Nicaragua?  And if so, why?  Did Larry and Sandoval meet in Nicaragua, or did they meet in the U.S.?  How did they meet?  And how, Laurent wondered, was he going to ask Larry these questions without raising suspicions?

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