Chapter 20 - Insanity

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Not long after Larry and Sofia had been awakened from a doze by Manny's loud yell from somewhere in the house, the goon, Diego, who'd initially escorted Sofia into Larry's room returned, and Sofia, along with the trolley on which was their barely consumed food, was taken away. Larry recalled how his loud requests that Sofia be allowed to stay with him, or he go where she was had fallen on deaf ears.

Manny had come to the bedroom shortly thereafter having heard Larry's protests, but he'd stated he felt it inappropriate that he and Sofia should share a room, and that Larry would eventually be sharing a room with him, his husband, to which Larry initially refused to do. But given Manny's current mood, clearly evident by the stern look on his face at Larry's refusal to return to their marital bed, Larry, at the time, didn't push the issue. He instead, laid down on the bed, turning his back towards the door and waited until he'd heard Manny leave and the lock on the door, once again, engaged.

Larry later lazily strolled to the ensuite and took a shower, his heart-wrenching sobs drowned out by the running water. He'd been given several clean clothes the day before, and after he'd showered, he'd changed into a T-shirt and fresh underwear before he forced himself to sleep.

Sandoval considered telling Larry that Laurent had stopped by the house the day the movers came to pack up their household goods, but decided to put that little bit of information off until he'd moved Larry into his room, which he'd planned to do soon. He had much to do in the coming days. He decided it was best to concentrate on getting the Miguel and Pedro immigration matter taken care of first. He wanted to be able to gauge Larry's expression more closely when he eventually mentioned Laurent stopping by their Brooklyn house.

Granted, the information might mean nothing, but he couldn't ignore it just yet, not until he felt sure it meant nothing in relation to Larry.  It hadn't gone unnoticed by Sandoval immediately upon meeting him that Laurent was a very attractive man, someone who, in another lifetime, he would have pursued and wanted for himself.

Laurent was more Larry's age, and Sandoval figured he and Larry might have more in common than he and Larry did.  He had to know if Laurent's appearance at his home the other day was really just an innocent courtesy call, as he'd stated to Miguel and Pedro, or if it had more to do with him wanting to see Larry. If it turns out it was the latter, Laurent had instantly become his enemy. Larry was his. Laurent couldn't have him.

But that had all occurred almost three days ago now.

Currently, it was early Monday morning, and to Larry it had already started to feel like months had passed instead of days since he'd been kidnapped by his husband and flown to a country he'd intended never to return to.  Just the very thought of such a thing seemed surreal to him, but given what he now knew of his past life since he'd met Manny, less and less of his life made sense to him.

To Larry, Manny seemed to be slowly going insane.  How else could he explain the kidnapping and what seemed to be Manny's growing hair-trigger temper if he weren't starting to lose some touch with reality.

Larry now feared his husband even more. And yet, despite that fear, given what Pedro had boosted to him about Manny's true involvement in his initial capture over ten years ago, he now felt an acute anger towards Manny at a level he didn't know he could possess.

Larry was finding his own sanity may bear some need for questioning too in that he was becoming more emboldened with expressing his anger towards Manny. This was something he'd have never dared do before.  And it was dangerous.  He was still having a hard time accepting and digesting what Pedro had said.

Larry now realized that the last ten years of his life with Manny had been a cruel and selfish lie. He felt consumed with anger towards Manny, and it was beyond frustrating to him that he was now having to taper or contain his anger, given his current circumstances of now being even more under Manny's control.

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