Chapter 57 - Hot for Frenchie

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Larry looked up, meeting Laurent's eyes, trying to gauge how he felt about the invitation and attending the dinner party.  He shrugged. "Yeah, okay," he replied, smiling.  If Laurent was okay with it, he'd try to be too, despite his earlier trepidations about Evan and his intentions towards Laurent.

Admittedly, to some degree, Larry felt he was being silly.  There was no reason he should feel threatened by Evan.  Besides, Evan was married, and with a child he seemed to love dearly.  Evan barely knew Laurent, and vice versa.   Additionally, Marcus, Evan's husband, would be at the dinner party, along with other people. The two seemed to have a happy marriage.  What could Evan possibly do? 

More importantly, Laurent was his, and he was Laurent's.  He had nothing to fear from Evan, Larry determined, and if he had to, he was more than capable and willing to remind Evan of that fact.  Forcibly if he had to.

In truth, despite his feelings about Evan, a big part of Larry was almost giddy about receiving the invitation, on which he too, along with Laurent, was actually named.  That was a first.  With Manny, Larry always felt like an afterthought. He was always in the shadows of Manny's life. He was always just Manny's husband, never his own person.  And Manny never made him feel that he was anything more than that.

Larry was starting to feel excited about going to the dinner party.  For the first time ever, he was beginning to have an actual social life. He and Laurent would be going out and about, together, just themselves, like a real couple...attending dinner parties and such, as well as with new friends and acquaintances, like the recent evening he and Laurent had out with Playmo and Celeste.  He'd had the best time.  It felt amazing, the prospect of having a normal life in every sense; and Larry wanted to experience it all.

Not once, Larry recalled, in his entire marriage, had he and Manny gone on real dates or attended dinner parties that, for the most part, weren't attached in some way to Manny's job.  And it wasn't long before Larry realized that Manny didn't want him to get out and attend functions where there would be other couples, especially other couples that were closer to his age.

It became clear that Manny didn't want him to form friendships at all with others outside of their home or their marriage.  The better to control him and keep him free from outside resources and influences.  Of course, this wasn't something Larry knew early into his marriage, but it was something that later became crystal clear to him. 

But with Laurent, none of those things seemed remotely to be an issue, which was yet another thing on a growing list of many things Larry loved about his boo.  Laurent was a real man, Larry mentally proclaimed, a secure man, a man who wasn't threatened by other men.  Laurent instead encouraged him to meet new people, form friendships, fully live and enjoy his life.  Laurent had even said as much that he should make friends and enjoy himself once he started culinary school.

Larry, however, wished he could be as confident when it came to Laurent and his interactions with other men...or women.  Laurent, in fact, seemed to Larry to be unaware of or amused at best of Larry's internal trepidations about Evan.

"Okay.  We'll go," Laurent said, smiling, snapping Larry out of his reverie. "Might be fun.  And if not, we can always leave early if we want to."

Larry returned Laurent's smile.  "Yeah, okay." 

"I'll RSVP our intentions to attend later," Laurent said.  With that, Laurent temporarily discarded the rest of his mail, to be dealt with later.  He then turned, wrapping his arms loosely around his bunny's waist, pulling him in close, planting a short but potent kiss on his bunny's lips.  "For now, I'm going to go change, freshen up and not keep you and this delicious smelling dinner waiting." 

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