Chapter 10 - Hitting His Rock Bottom

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Larry woke the next morning feeling sad and drained having slept fitfully the night before.  He had no idea how long he'd laid on the cool tiled floor of the guest-room ensuite where he'd cried himself almost to exhaustion.  It wasn't until he'd cried his last tear, driven by sheer defiance, that he'd finally picked himself up off the floor, eventually stripped, and made it into the shower, washing the day, and Manny's abuse, down the drain.

He was so accosted with conflicting emotions he was overwhelmed. Was this it for him, Larry thought with much sadness. Was this his life? Maybe this was his rock bottom, Larry determined.  Maybe it was finally the slap and not the occasional rough push and abusive words over the years that was his tipping point.  All he knew was, he couldn't continue to go on like this, being a doormat, a punching bag, an unloved, unappreciated servant to a man he was quickly starting to detest with every fiber of his being. 

If no one cared about him, it was beyond time he started to care about himself.  Surely he wasn't so far gone he couldn't do at least that. He had things he could do, skills, talents, and an eagerness to work hard and to learn new things.  It was high time he started to put these things to use and start fighting for himself. For once, he needed to put his foot down, let go of the fears and doubts Manny filled him with over the years and make changes in his life. Nothing was going to change if he didn't start to put himself first, for a change.  He was still young.  There was still time to create a good life for himself.

Maybe he'd eventually make his way to Virginia.  Maybe that's where he'd start.  Laurent may not feel about him the way he felt about Laurent, but maybe they could be friends.  Regardless of the bomb Laurent dropped the night before, bringing who must be his girlfriend to the party, Laurent still seemed like a good person.  Maybe Laurent would still help him get a fresh start in Virginia; help him get on his feet.  Getting out of New York, a place that held far more bad than good memories for him would be just what he needed to do.

After Larry had completed his introspective shower and hygiene, he'd dried himself off, casually applied body lotion, and finally fell into bed, emotionally and physically exhausted.  His face still stung from Manny's slap, which felt more like a punch. But without fail, he always resorted to the only thing that brought him any joy, at least lately.

Larry did what he'd done since he'd found out more about Laurent, he'd opened his phone and googled him and his company, visiting his company's website.  He'd made note of the company's address so if he made it to Virginia, he'd at least have a starting point on how to contact him.  As usual, Laurent had been the last, and only good thought on his mind before he'd fallen asleep. Larry was careful though to always remove his browsing history in case Manny would check his phone.

Hours later, now barely daybreak, Larry awoke feeling sad and restless. He looked over at the clock. It was 5:30 a.m. Manny had to be at work by 7:00 so he knew he would be getting up soon if he weren't up already.  Larry didn't want to have any contact with him.  If Manny wanted breakfast, Larry decided he'd have to make his own or pick something up on his way to work, unless he could persuade Sofia to make him something. 

Larry instead, decided he'd remain in the guest room until he heard Manny leave.  He hadn't intended to tell him about the event with Kimberly later that morning so he had no reason to speak with him.  All Manny would try to do is dissuade him from going, or he'd have him monitored by sending Miguel with him.

Admittedly, Larry considered bowing out of the event with Kimberly, but he realized he had no way of contacting her, and he'd hate to have her come all the way to pick him up for nothing.  He also didn't want to disappoint Sofia, who was thinking of his well-being when she'd encouraged him to go.  After the night before, in truth, he could use a change of scenery. Sitting around the house feeling sorry for himself wouldn't help matters.

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