Chapter 30 - The Big Reveal

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Before heading to his bedroom to speak with Larry, Laurent stopped in his office. He unlocked his desk drawer and retrieved an item he felt he might need.  After locking the drawer, he placed the item in his pocket and proceeded down the short hallway to his bedroom. When he entered the room he found Larry standing at the wall of glass that led out to the terrace, leaning against the frame, looking out, his arms crossed over his chest.

Laurent stood at the door to the bedroom, leaning against the doorframe, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he watched Larry. Laurent noticed how even standing, looking out, Larry looked almost timid in his stance, defeated somehow.  Laurent decided, he never wanted to see that look on Larry ever again, most especially not because of something Laurent felt he'd done to cause it. 

Earlier that morning, Larry had stated how happy he was.  Laurent loved seeing Larry happy. Feeling that joy emanating from his bunny meant the world to him. But at that moment it didn't seem as if Larry still felt the same way. At that moment, it overwhelmed Laurent how much he wanted to give Larry everything he desired. He'd had too much taken from him in this life. He felt no one deserved happiness more, and he intended to give Larry that happiness, but for now there was yet another obstacle they had to get across.

It was then that he knew he had to do more than just prepare Larry for his impending FBI interview, he had to reveal everything; policy be damned. If he and Larry were going to share their lives together, Larry had to know everything, or almost everything, at least for now.  "Hey, can we finish that talk we started?"

Larry turned to face Laurent. He nodded. "Yeah, okay." Larry moved to sit on the edge of the bed, but he didn't meet Laurent's eyes.

Laurent sat down next to him. "Look at me, baby. Please?"

Larry looked up, meeting Laurent's intent gaze. Laurent could tell he'd been crying. "What's wrong?"

Larry didn't respond right away. Then, "Laurent, I stopped caring what Manny said or did years ago. Sometimes, I was glad when he...kept secrets from me because I sensed, years into my marriage that with Manny, what I didn't know was better than knowing. I don't love him. That stopped years ago too, or at least that's what I thought I felt for him. But with you, I can't live like that. I don't want to live like that ever again. Laurent, I love you, so much.  With you, I don't want there to be secrets between us.  Please.  I couldn't bear that.  Not with you."

Their eyes met and held. "I love you too baby, just as much.  I don't want there to be secrets between us either.  But there have been things I've not been able to tell you.  Remember? I told you that. But now, given the present circumstances, I don't have much choice. I've decided to tell you everything, or at least as much as I can for now."

Larry looked deeply into Laurent's eyes, searching. "Really?  You mean it?"

"Yes. Thing is, I hope you're ready for all I'm going to tell you, and I hope then you'll understand why I had to keep things from you."

Larry nodded. "Okay.  Remember, I said I wanted to know everything about you."

Laurent sighed.  "Yeah.  But I'm not sure you're ready for this, baby.  I didn't know quite where to start, so I'll just start from the beginning."

Larry nodded, getting a comfortable position on the bed. "Okay."

"The night I met you in that bar, I'd just flown in from Costa Rica. I'd been on an almost thirty-day leave from work, from my normal everyday life. Before then, I'd been working...a lot, with little to no break, and I was feeling a little burned out. In my line of work, burn out can be dangerous."

Larry frowned. "Dangerous? Wha...what are you saying? Dangerous how?"

"I hadn't had a vacation or had much down time in almost five years. But, after about twenty-seven days into my vacation, I was expecting a call, which I knew could come at any time during that time off. When I got that call, I was instructed to, and was prepared to return to work in three days. I immediately packed and left Costa Rica a few hours later; no point hanging around there. I had a little time to spare, so instead of coming straight home, to Virginia, I flew to New York."

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