Chapter 13 - Taking Control

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Despite the night before, dreading having to leave Laurent, Larry woke the next morning filled with purpose. He showered and dressed in business/casual attire with plans to head out to run several errands. With Manny gone, he'd stayed up late gathering his banking records, and looking at apartment listings he'd found online, just in case.

Manny had an online subscription to the New York Times, which Larry had access so he also scanned the classifies looking for possible employment. He'd found a few employment announcements he intended to check out, and he was determined to apply for as many jobs as he could in the coming days until he found something.  He didn't care at what level he started.  He had to start somewhere.

When he headed downstairs, he was met by Sofia who was in the kitchen getting ready to start breakfast. "Good morning, Mr. Larry," she said, smiling. "It's so good to see you."

"Good morning, Sofia," Larry replied, returning her smile, and giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"So, how was your outing, yesterday? Did you have fun?"

Larry smiled.  "Yes.  It was amazing."  But when he looked away, there was a mischievous gleam in his eye. "I had so much fun."

"Good, good," she said, looking at Larry with knowing eyes. "You look nice, Mr. Larry. You're going out?"

"Umm, yes. I have some errands to run this morning. I wanted to talk with you last night when I came home but I didn't want to wake you."

"No worries about that, Mr. Larry." She smiled. "I waited up for you until I heard you return home before I went to sleep. I was just happy you were back home safe. I'm so glad to hear you had a good time."

Larry smiled. "Thanks, Sofia. So, how was it here? Any problems? I turned off my phone after we talked? I didn't want to hear from Manny, and I knew he'd call."

"No, Mr. Larry. No problems. Si, it was quiet, but it was nice. I caught up on my stories. I read some.  I watched some TV later. I think Miguel, he didn't know what to do with himself." She chuckled. "His brother was with Mr. Manny. You were gone. So, he and me, we watch TV, and later he teach me how to play...sheckers."

"It's...checkers, Sofia,"  Miguel interjected, entering the kitchen.

"Si, sheckers, that's what I said." Sofia turned back towards the fridge. "You want breakfast, Mr. Larry, Miguel?"

"Good morning, Miguel," Larry said.

"Good morning, Larry." He handed Larry his phone. "Manny wants to talk to you.  Yeah, Sofia, I'd like some breakfast," Miguel replied to Sofia.

Larry hesitated. "Manny is on the phone?"


Larry slowly reached for Miguel's phone and he headed from the kitchen to the front room. He sighed and cleared his throat. "Hello, Manny?  You want to talk to me?"

There was silence.

"Hello? Manny?"

"Hello, mi amour."

Larry knew his husband well, and he could tell by his tone that he was trying to mask his anger. "Hello, Manny."

"Where were you yesterday, Larry?"

Larry sighed. "Sofia told me she told you I was on an outing with Kimberly. You remember Kimberly, from the night before?  She enjoyed the food at the party so much that she invited me to come judge a cooking and food tasting competition put on by the local Girl Scouts."

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