Chapter 47 - Sad Goodbyes, but Exciting News

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Suffice it to say, it had been an emotional farewell at the airport when the Sosa sisters prepared to depart Virginia on their way to Miami.  They had all slept in that morning, but it saddened Laurent in that Larry had slept fitfully the night before.

As promised, Laurent got them all to the airport in plenty of time for the sisters to pass comfortably through security with plenty of time to spare before their departure from Dulles International airport heading South to Miami.

Larry and Sofia had openly wept while trying not to make a scene indicative to how they were feeling.  Sofia had done her best to put Larry at ease, assuring him that things were going to be just fine, that they would keep in touch while she was in Miami, and for him not to worry, not to let their time apart make him sad.

"This is your time now, my sweet, sweet, Mr. Larry," Sofia had said, smiling up at him with moist, wisdom-filled eyes. "My prayers for you are being answered.  I want you to be happy," she added, just for Larry's ear.  "I'm so proud of you.  You're stronger than you know. This is your time to take back everything Mr. Manny took from you.  He can't hurt you anymore."

Larry could only nod as he was too emotional to speak.

Sofia smiled, reaching up to touch Larry's face. "Take care of yourself and take care of Mr. Laurent. Be there for him like he's been there for you. He's trying to keep you safe.  Continue to listen to him. He's a good man."

(Sniffles) "He nodded. "I...I will."

"I'm so happy that you found each other, Mr. Larry.  Continue to love each other. I want for you what you wanted for yourself. Mr. Manny, he can't stop you from going to cooking school now, or from doing anything you want to do. He can't stop you from living your life to the fullest. I love you as if I bore you from my own womb. I want you to have all you ever wanted." Sofia smiled up at him.  "Be happy."

Larry stifled a whimper. "I love you too, bu...but,, (sniffles) why you sound like you're never coming back? Why (sniffles)? said you're just going on vacation."

Sofia blew out a shaky breath, looking into Larry's eyes as she too tried to get a grip on her own emotions. "I don't know anything for sure right now, Mr. Larry. You know I don't want to leave you. You don't need me in the way. This is a happy time. Yours and Mr. Laurent's time. No more tears. Okay?  I don't want you to be sad. I will call you when I get to Miami."

"But I—"

"Everything...okay?" Laurent asked, cautiously, as he strolled up to Larry and Sofia, but he already knew.  He really didn't want to interrupt what was clearly a tender moment, but he could see Larry becoming sadder and he and Sofia both were having a hard time emotionally. It was time for Sofia and Maria to head through to security.  He placed his hand on Larry's arm, hoping it would be a calming touch. Maria, who'd been sitting with Laurent had, like Laurent, given Larry and Sofia some privacy so they could say their goodbyes.

"Si, Mr. Laurent. It's just hard for me and Mr. Larry to...part ways." Sofia reached over, placing her petite hands atop Larry's, forcing a smile that barely reached her eyes. "But I told him everything's going to be alright."

Laurent forced a smile. "Yeah, I know. Sofia, I don't want you to worry about Larry. Enjoy your time with your sister. I'll keep you informed when Larry is able to get into the house in New York, if you're not back here by then. And we'll pack up and send you your things soon thereafter to wherever you want them sent." Laurent looked over at Larry who was already starting to react. "Or let me know and I'll put your things in storage here, in Virginia until you decide what you want me to do with them."

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