Chapter 32 - And So It Begins

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Larry and Laurent unexpectedly slept in the following Monday morning.  It was a little after 8:15 a.m. when the smell of bacon cooking roused them awake.  Larry got up, putting on Laurent's robe before heading to the kitchen, while Laurent, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, slowly padded his way to the ensuite.

"Ola, Mr. Larry," Sofia cheerfully stated when Larry entered the kitchen. She was at the stove removing the last strips of crisp bacon from a skillet adding it to the other strips resting on a warming platter to drain. She then removed the lightly smoking skillet from the burner. A bowl of cracked eggs, waiting to be scrambled, and another of shredded cheese with chives sat also waiting to be added to the eggs. 

Larry smiled broadly back at Sofia.  "Good morning, Sofia.  You're very cheery this morning."

"Si, Mr. Larry.  Good morning. It's a beautiful day, no? Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Sofia, thanks, I slept very well.  How did you sleep?"

"I slept very well too, Mr. Larry, like a baby.  I love Mr. Laurent's bed."

Larry chuckled.  He loved 'Mr. Laurent's bed' too.  "Good. I'm glad.  Sorry, Sofia. Laurent and me slept in a little.  It smells good in here. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Oh no, Mr. Larry.  It's okay.  I'm almost done.  Thank you," Sofia's petite face lit up with a smile. "It's good you slept in. I know you could use the sleep. You are looking well rested, Mr. Larry. This is good."

Larry blushed, looking away. He bit down on his lip to stifle a telling smile. He too had slept like a baby, and he owed it to Laurent's amazing lovemaking, which always made him so relaxed and purring like a contented kitten. Larry cleared his throat, changing the subject. "Um, Sofia, are you excited? You're getting new things today."

"Si," Sofia said, chuckling. "I'm very excited.  This is why I was up so early this morning. As nice as Mr. Laurent's bed is, I couldn't sleep no more. It's so nice of Mr. Laurent to pay for new things for me. I am very grateful."

"I'm excited for you too, Sofia. You deserve this.  Hopefully, this week he'll have some good news for you about your sister too." 

With that, Sofia could feel herself getting emotional. "Si, I hope so." She quickly wiped at her eyes to halt tears. "I want to hear from her. I know she is worried about me. I miss hearing from her."

"I hope so too. Sofia." Larry gave Sofia's small shoulder a gently squeeze. "Laurent will make it happen. You'll see."

"Thank you, si." Sofia wiped firmly at her wisdom-filled eyes. "But today is no day to be sad. Okay. Now go, Mr. Larry, get dressed.  Breakfast is almost ready.  Tell Mr. Laurent breakfast will be ready soon."

"Okay."  Then, Larry hurried away.

By the time the three of them sat down to breakfast, it seemed any sad thoughts had evaporated. Laurent and Larry's night of love and romance, along with Sofia's excitement over getting new things and the possibility of hearing from her sister created joy all around.  It was indeed a beautiful morning in every way.  The sun was bright, made even brighter by it's reflection off the tall buildings nearby. Laurent had opened the slider just off the front room closest to the dining room, allowing for a comfortable breeze to blow through the condo.

It was as if the three of them had done this many times before, enjoying breakfast together at the dining table, sharing laughs and fun chit chat in complete peace and comfort.  After they were finished with breakfast, Laurent thanked Sofia for the delicious meal.  He was just getting up from the table when his cell beeped, indicating he had a call.

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