Chapter 42 - Gotcha!

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By the time morning arrived, Larry and Laurent were up early, around 6:30, albeit reluctantly, as they knew what the day meant.  They'd again made love the night before.  It had been slow, sensuous but oh so tender.  Larry had cried afterwards as the reality of leaving Laurent mere hours from then started to sink in. The brief time they'd had together, after their rescue had been so special. Larry didn't want it to ever end.  The situation hadn't been lost on Laurent either, who continued trying to be strong for his bunny as he tried to keep his own emotions intact.

Laurent didn't join Larry in the shower that morning.  It was just too gut-wrenching for him that his bunny was leaving, and there was nothing he could do about it.  Instead, he quickly washed up in the guest bath, dressed and went to the kitchen, where he made he and Larry each omelets.

Laurent was already starting to feel the void of Larry leaving.  Larry staying with him the past week had felt so organic.  It had seemed they'd been living together much longer than the short time would indicate.  Laurent would miss his bunny.  In fact, he was already missing him.  The upcoming weekend would be a long one.

Laurent looked up from his cooking.  He could hear Larry's approach, indicated by the rolling of his borrowed luggage piece on the floor.  Laurent smiled, seeing his bunny who was dressed in one of the sweatpants, matching hoodie, and wearing a pair of the sneakers Laurent had purchased for him.  He could already tell by his posture and slow stroll into the family room that Larry was feeling low.  

After parking his luggage, Larry moved to stand behind the kitchen island, watching Laurent finish up cooking the omelets. "Good morning, baby."  Laurent smiled at his bunny.  "You look good."

Larry shyly returned Laurent's smile.  "Good morning."  Larry moved to stand close to Laurent, watching him.  The two exchanged a kiss.  "Thank you.  You cooked breakfast."

"Yeah.  I wanted to make sure you ate something before you left."  Larry watched as Laurent placed the omelets on plates, sitting them on the kitchen island.  "Bon Appetit', baby."

"Thank you, Laurent, but you didn't have to cook breakfast."

"I know.  But I wanted to."

"Thank you, but I'm not really hungry, Laurent."

"And I knew you were going to say that, but you need to eat.  Have a seat.  Please?"

Larry took a seat in one of the chairs at the kitchen island while Laurent also placed a glass of orange juice in front of him.

"Mmm, looks good."  Larry looked up into his love's eyes.  "Thank you, bae."

Laurent chuckled at Larry's new name for him. "Welcome." Laurent came around, taking a seat in the chair next to his bunny.  The two sat enjoying their omelets.  Afterwards, Larry went to the bathroom to freshen up, but in truth, he was feeling so emotional he simply didn't want Laurent to see him cry.  He was trying to be strong.  Larry washed his face, freshened his mouth, and otherwise pulled himself together before he returned to the front room.

Laurent was sitting on the long couch looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him.  He turned around when his bunny returned to the living room.  "You okay?"

Larry smiled, coming to sit next to Laurent.  He nodded.  "Yeah, I'm okay."  The two just sat for a while.  Laurent's arm was resting on Larry's shoulder across the back of the couch, while Larry leaned into his boo with his arms around his love's waist. 

"What are you going to do today?" Larry asked, after a while.

"I'm not sure yet.  I might go to the gym for a workout.  I'll figure it out.  Hey, will you promise me something?"

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