Chapter 33 - Sofia's Day

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Laurent, Larry, and Sofia met Playmo and Celeste at the door. Smiles, welcome hugs and greetings were exchanged all around. After the latest arrivals settled down on the couch in Laurent's front room, Playmo and Celeste briefly talked a while of their recent connections with old friends and associates they knew and worked with when Playmo and Celeste too lived in the Arlington, Virginia/Washington DC area years before Playmo's retirement from the CIA.

Not too long later, Celeste and Sofia got together in her room where the two discussed Sofia's shopping list. After Celeste collected Sofia's list, Laurent's credit card, and discussed with him her shopping limit, Celeste left to do her shopping.

Just as Playmo had offered, he sat and spoke with Larry regarding some of CIA's policies while Laurent took care of some business in his office. Though Larry was surprised by the offer to sit with Playmo in this regard, he very much welcomed it and soon found the information Playmo provided invaluable. Playmo informed Larry that he too had been a CIA Operative for over twenty-five years, but was now retired. Larry was surprised by Playmo's declaration and even more surprised that he'd not previously put two and two together as he'd recalled Laurent telling him he and Playmo used to work together.

Larry took the time to ask Playmo questions about how he and Laurent first met, and how their long-time friendship had developed.  Playmo gave him some personal and sometimes funny anecdotes of his and Laurent's earlier working and personal life when he was still actively working for the CIA. It also interested Larry that Playmo too was born in France and, like Laurent, had too given up his French citizenship to immigrate to the US and to work for the CIA. It had been their French heritage that had also first drawn them to each other.

Playmo had informed him that from that point, being that he'd already been in the CIA for about 10 years, he'd taken Laurent under his wing. That unofficial mentorship had quickly turned into a friendship that had grown over the years into what it now was, much like a fond deeply respectful, and yes, eventual loving father/son relationship.

Larry had very much enjoyed speaking with Playmo, and the information Playmo shared with him further cemented what Larry had quickly noticed, which was that Playmo indeed viewed Laurent like a son as Laurent viewed Playmo as a father figure. It was obvious the two cared a great deal about each other, and there was much mutual love and respect between them.

Larry especially appreciated the information Playmo provided about the strict policies and possible consequences regarding revealing information to friends and even family members about the identities of CIA personnel. Specifically, Playmo went on to explain how working for the CIA can sometimes negatively impact family and other personal relationships. He explained how hard it had been to keep his CIA affiliation from Celeste when they were first dating, and how hard it was to dodge her questions at the early stages of their relationship.
Playmo added that, after he was certain Celeste was "the one" with whom he wanted to share his life, he'd soon revealed his occupation to her. Even still, he gave her this information in pieces so it'd be easier to digest.

So engaged in his talk with Playmo, Larry found he'd been able to brush aside his earlier bout of anxiety at the call Laurent had received earlier that morning, as well as hold at bay his curiosity at the news Laurent said he had to tell him and Sofia later.

Before long, Laurent joined Larry and Playmo, and when Laurent joined him on the sofa, Larry and Laurent's eyes met and briefly held. They shared a smile, and Larry found what he thought was impossible in that he was growing even deeper in love with Laurent the more he learned about him. Laurent was truly his soulmate.

Playmo went on to explain that he'd later provided some of the information about his CIA affiliation to their kids, when they were old enough to understand, and the importance that they not share this information casually as this knowledge was meant to protect all concerned, not to gain "cool points" with their friends or anyone else.

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