Chapter 58 - Swing Set

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Downright giddy, and trying hard not to show it, Evan sauntered over towards where Laurent, Larry and his husband, Marcus, were chatting and beginning to take seats at his and Marcus's table. Needless to say, a curious and equally excited Malek followed close behind Evan.

"Laurent, Larry, hi!" Evan exclaimed gleefully, a big smile spreading across his bearded face. "I, uh, we're so glad you could come." Evan extended his hand to Laurent, and once his and Laurent's hands were clasped together in a handshake, Evan then placed his other hand on top of Laurent's, and it lingered there a few seconds longer than seemed appropriate to Larry's observation. But if Laurent didn't seem to notice it, Larry made a point to try to shake off his feelings on the matter. 

"Thanks for the invite," Laurent replied, smiling slightly, looking first at Evan's face before his eyes moved to look at their hands, his and Evan's, clasped together. It was then that Laurent noticed the black, rope bracelet peeping out from under Evan's fancy black, brocade suit jacket.

  It was then that Laurent noticed the black, rope bracelet peeping out from under Evan's fancy black, brocade suit jacket

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A/N:  The bracelet looked like this.

More importantly, Laurent noticed the small, metal trinket attached to it and he instantly recognized the emblem.  The question is, Laurent wondered, did Evan know what that emblem meant.  Laurent smiled to himself.

Evan then turned to Larry, extending his hand. "So glad you could make it, too, Larry, and don't you two look so handsome," Evan cooed, shooting him a wide grin, which to Larry, didn't seem genuine, though Larry knew he was bias where Evan was concerned.

But Larry was determined not to let his feelings about Evan ruin his and Laurent's evening. He was already very much enjoying himself out with Laurent at the elegant affair. "Thank you," Larry replied, with an equally wide grin on his face. "Thanks for inviting us."

An exaggerated clearing of a throat interrupted the exchanges between Larry, Laurent, Evan and Marcus making them all look towards the man standing behind Evan. "Excuse me. Hi."

"Oh, Malek, I'm so sorry."  Evan chuckled. "Laurent, Larry, this is Malek, a longtime friend of mine, and something of a... semi-host of tonight's event. In fact, if you're enjoying the music, we all have Malek to thank for that. He hired the quartet whose sounds we're enjoying this evening. They play regularly at a jazz club Marcus, and I like to go to."

"Pleased to meet you, Malek," Laurent said, smiling slightly.  "Good job with the music." 

"Thank you," Malek replied, grinning, his eyes though lingering on Larry.  "Pleased to meet you both."

"Pleased to meet you too," Larry replied.  "Yes, I agree with Laurent.  The band is really talented."

Malek, Larry and Laurent then all took their seats after exchanging their greetings, introductions, and handshakes. Laurent, as he'd shaken Malek's hand and looking into his face, couldn't help noticing that around Malek's neck was a silver chain on which was yet another familiar symbol, an upside-down pineapple, different from Evan's but with the same meaning to the one Evan was sporting.

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