Chapter 3 - A Reluctant Goodbye

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Hours later, a satisfied and pliant Larry moaned and stretched his long legs and spine languidly under the fluffy comforter.  He yawned slightly, slowly blinking his eyes, trying to open them to focus on his surroundings.  The room was dark, but he could just make out some of the details of the elegant space.

Larry tried to turn over, but his movements were hindered.  He looked down.  There was an arm casually but possessively draped across his waist. Laurent. Larry sucked in an audible breath.  Laurent?!

Larry raised up slightly, looking over at the clock on the side table by Laurent.  It read, twelve-thirty a.m.  Larry gasped, then nervously groaned.  As gently as he could, he removed Laurent's arm. He pushed back the covers and quickly got up from the bed.

Laurent stirred slightly and moaned.  "Larry?"

A surge of panic flowed through Larry.  He rushed to find his phone.  When he found it, turning it back on, he saw where he'd received numerous calls and text messages, all from his husband, each message graduating from light concern to various levels of anger.  He groaned as fear started to engulf him.

Larry rushed about collecting his clothes stepping into them with frantic haste.  He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.  His heart started to pound in his chest.  He was dreading the impending encounter with his husband.  He knew how angry and intimidating his husband could be, and sometimes even physical, when he thought he was being ignored or disrespected.

Larry's husband was a proud, possessive, sometimes cruel, and arrogant man...unless there was something he wanted.  Then he could be deceptively charming.  Larry knew charm would not be what he'd face once he got home.

"Larry?"  Laurent, now starting to fully wake up, rubbed at his eyes to clear them.  He reached over, turning on a lamp at the side of the bed.  He found Larry rushing about gathering his belongings, fear and panic etched on his face.

"Larry?  Larry, what is it?  What's wrong?"  Laurent tossed the covers aside.  He rushed to the adjourning front room of the suite to where Larry was frantically rushing about. Laurent followed him, intently watching him as he gathered the rest of his clothes to get dressed.  When Larry didn't respond, Laurent abruptly grabbed him by his shoulders forcing him to face him.  "Larry, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Laurent, please." Larry was unable to meet Laurent's intent glare.  He attempted to wrestle himself from Laurent's firm grip but failed.

Larry blew out a sigh.  "Laurent...I—"

"What's happened, Larry? Talk to me. Why are you so upset?"

"I gotta go.  He...he called.  He's angry.  It's late.  I gotta go."  Larry managed to break from Laurent's grip, turning away as he continued getting dressed.

"Angry?  What do you mean?  What is he angry about and why is that upsetting to you?"  Laurent blew out a frustrated sigh, running a hand roughly threw his hair, ruffling it further when Larry appeared to ignore him.  He reached for his boxer briefs and slacks and stepped into them. He sat down next to Larry, watching him as he rushed to put on his socks, then his shoes. Laurent could see moisture starting to form at the rim of Larry's eyes, and it surprised him how much Larry's obvious distress affected him. He gripped Larry's hands in his, stopping his frantic movements.  "Larry, please, calm down for a minute.  Talk to me. Please."

"Laurent, I...I can't talk now. I have to go."

"Yeah baby, I know that but look at me, just for a minute.  Okay?"  When Larry didn't do as requested, "Larry, please look at me."

Slowly, Larry turned to face Laurent.  "What are you saying?  What does your husband getting angry have to do with you?  Does he...get physically abusive with you?"

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