Chapter 35 - Manny's Escape

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Earlier, on the same Monday morning, about 4 hours before the FBI raids.

"Delayed?! What do you mean, delayed?! Why?! For what reason?!  They're in the country illegally, dammit! Why would their deportation be delayed?!  That makes no sense!" Manny was ranting over the phone at his New York-based attorney and friend, Cyrus Rosenthal, who he'd instructed to aid in the release of Miguel and Pedro from INS custody, but to no avail.

"Yeah, Manny, I know but--"

"You know?!  So what are you going to do about it?!"

The attorney blew out a frustrated sigh.  "Manny, what do you want me to do?! My hands are tied here! I can't just barge in there and demand that Miguel and Pedro be released. There are procedures, policies.  That's just not how things are done."

"Of course you can! Why not?"  Manny sighed.  "What reason did they give you for the delay?"

"Something about a scheduling mix-up for their hearing."

"Scheduling mix-up?  What kind of bullshit reason is that?!  What, there's only one judge hearing these cases?"

"Yeah, something about the presiding judge's docket being overbooked, so they had to reschedule Miguel and Pedro's hearing for next week."

"What?! Unacceptable! Do you hear me, Cyrus?!  That's unacceptable!  I need them here!  Now!"  Manny leaned back in his chair, and wiped his hand roughly down his face.  He took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself.


"Manny?  You're still there?"

In a cooler, but more menacing tone, "I want you to go back, and try to get them released today, Cyrus.  You hear me?  Lie to them if you have to.  I don't care what you do.  But I want results!  Or you're fired!  If you can't get my men released, who are in the country illegally, then you're of no use to me.  I'm not asking you to break them out of jail.  Call me back when you got something other than excuses!"

With that, Manny abruptly ended the call.  He leaned back in his chair, angrily swiveling it from side to side.  "Incompetence," he uttered, "Incompetence all around me!"

Before this call, Manny had been sitting in his office, where he'd been for close to two hours making calls, starting with his contact in Miami who'd informed him earlier that he'd been unable to further surveille Maria Sosa, Sofia's sister.

"Manny, it's like she's disappeared off the face of the earth," his contact in Miami had stated.  "Unlike a couple days ago, I've seen no signs of her."

"What do you mean, disappeared? Have you tried knocking on her door? Make up a reason to knock on her door."

"Manny, I tried that. I even sat in my car watching the house. I'm telling you, there's been no movement at her house.  No lights.  I've not seen her.  Nothing.  Not even any mail in her mailbox.  I checked. The house has been dark. Maybe she's out of town."

That bit of news had set Manny's tone for the rest of the day, culminating with the call to his attorney.  He was getting nothing accomplished, and it was pissing him off.  But there was a feeling that kept gnawing at him.  Something just wasn't right.  He could feel it in his gut. He just didn't know what it was.

On top of that, he'd finally given in and contacted the police, mainly out of desperation, to file a missing person's report.  All else was failing him. It had been days now, and still there was no ransom demand with regard to Larry and Sofia's abduction.

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