Chapter 5 - Blind-Sided

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Several hours later, Laurent arrived in Virginia. He took an Uber from the airport to the penthouse condo he owned that was atop a luxury residential building in downtown Arlington, Virginia, not far from CIA Headquarters.  Arlington was home base.  Since he hadn't been there in over a month, he'd called ahead to have his usual cleaning service and property management prepare his place for his arrival. 

And when he walked into his condo, Laurent blew out a breath. It was good to be home, to sleep in his own bed again after being away for close to a month in Costa Rica. Laurent spent the night there and was up bright and early, showered, and dressed. He'd eaten a light breakfast before heading out to his office at CIA Headquarters to meet with his Chief and supporting staff assigned to his new mission to receive his briefing.

So far, he'd spent an intense morning going over intel about the particulars of his next mission.   He was informed that the person of interest (POI) in his investigation was one Emmanuel Dimitry Sandoval, a United Nations (UN) Diplomat of Nicaraguan descent.  This information was supplemented by the file his Chief had given him, further explaining who Emanuel Sandoval was, and why he was a person of interest.

According to the file, Sandoval come to the United States at nine years old when he was adopted by American missionary workers living and working at the time in Nicaragua.  He became a naturalized American citizen shortly thereafter.  He'd fallen into the foster care system after his adoptive parents were killed while on another church mission in Nicaragua.   Sandoval was only twelve at the time of their deaths.  He'd not been with them in Nicaragua at the time but was staying with family friends here in the states who weren't able to take him in permanently.

The tragic event deeply traumatized and hardened Sandoval.  He later took to the streets, running with the wrong crowd after going from one disruptive and dysfunctional foster home to another.  He'd soon dropped out of school his junior year in high school, gotten into some trouble, spent some time in juvie, but because he was a minor, his record was later sealed.  After he was released from juvie, he was placed on probation until he turned eighteen.  He'd managed to stay below the criminal radar, but he'd continued his street activity.

Once he became of age, he joined the Marines, completing a four-year stint while stationed in Afghanistan as a supply specialist.  He'd taken up boxing, because he'd experienced some bullying.  He'd presumably been labeled as gay when he and another marine were caught in the act. He was beaten up a few times as a result, while the other consenting marine had been transferred to another unit. 

However, Sandoval had won several boxing bouts, he'd started to make a name and reputation for himself as a formidable brawler in and around the Marine base while in Afghanistan.  After that, few dared to challenge him, at least quieting the rumors about his sexuality even while some still considered them to be true.

While in the military, Sandoval had completed his GED.  He later went on to take some college courses, which he actively pursued after he was honorably discharged from the military and returned to the states.  In the meantime, according to the record, he took odd jobs ranging from teaching Spanish to working the docks in Manhattan's west side.  He eventually earned degrees in International Business, Spanish and English some three years later using his GI benefits.

As Laurent continued reviewing the Sandoval file, according to State Department and Homeland Security records, Sandoval left the U.S. a few years after his college graduation, returning to his native Nicaragua, where he'd remained for several years. 

He got married while there and appeared to remain there for about five years or so after his marriage, reportedly doing what was assumed to be similar missionary work as his adoptive American parents had done before their deaths.  He and his spouse eventually left Nicaragua under what had been described as, questionable circumstances.

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