Chapter 23 - Never Letting...How Do I Let You Go

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The following day, after Larry's "apology", he was up and dressed, sitting in the chair next to his bed, looking out at the vast body of water just beyond the property, as usual, waiting to hear the familiar key turn in the lock of his door alerting him of Sofia's arrival.

Seeing Sofia and spending the day with her was the highlight of Larry's otherwise sad, boring, and uneventful day in what was essentially...captivity, no matter what his husband claimed it was. This was usually followed by the young servant who would roll in the trolley on which was placed his and Sofia's first meal of the day.

The young servant was always accompanied by one of Manny's goons, overseeing it all, usually the man Pedro had identified as Diego. Larry had recognized him earlier as one of the goons who assisted Miguel and Pedro in his and Sofia's abduction. Larry liken the whole matter to that of a prison guard supervising the serving of meals to their inmates.

As much as he always looked forward to seeing Sofia, this routine never failed to make Larry angry, and he was getting closer and closer to reaching his boiling point.  Each day, more and more, he was reminded of the insanity of it all. Larry couldn't help but think that this wasn't going to end well, but for who was yet to be determined. All he knew was, his eventual blatant rebellion was inevitable, despite his well thought out, planned deception to pretend he was on board with Manny's madness. One way or another, this had to end.

But on this day, when the sound of the key jangling in his door's lock came, he was met with Manny instead of his goon, Diego. There was no servant rolling in a trolley with their breakfast trays, and so far, also no Sofia.

"Good morning, mi amour."

Larry abruptly sat up in the chair he'd been lounging in. "Manny?" Larry stared at his husband, not understanding why he was there, instead of one of his goons, and without Sofia.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready? For what?"

Manny chuckled, indulgently. "You wanted to have breakfast outside your room today. Have you changed your mind? Would you rather I have your breakfast sent here, to your room instead?"

"No!" Larry stood up. "Um, no. I just didn't think you would listen to what we wanted."

Manny smiled, his eyes intently on Larry. "See, I'm not so bad, hmm, mi amour?"

"Where's Sofia?"

"We're picking her up on the way down to the kitchen."

"Oh."  Larry subtly blew out a breath of relief.  "Okay."

"So, are you ready to go?"

Larry forced a quick smile. "Yes." He walked cautiously through the door from the room he'd occupied since his arrival almost two weeks ago. He felt like he was being let out of a cage. He stood briefly, looking around the wide hallway he was seeing for the first time. His eyes took it all in, taking advantage of the opportunity to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Diego appeared, standing tall, big, and looming a short distance away...watching. Larry abruptly stopped, with a start. The two men briefly stared at each other with Larry's barely disguised annoyance etched on his face as he took in Manny's muscle-bound, stone-faced minion.

Larry followed slightly behind Manny as he walked down the pristine, white polished tiled floor. Then about two doors down, across the hall from Larry's room, Manny stopped at a door similar to his. He waited and watched while Manny lightly knocked before inserting a key in the door.

Larry made a mental note of where Sofia's room was in proximity to his. He noticed Manny hadn't changed keys, meaning he must be using some kind of master or skeleton key. He wondered if it also unlocked the front entry door as well as Manny's bedroom door, which Larry was yet to locate.

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