Chapter 27 - Secrets

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As the powerful jet continued its assent, speeding its way towards finding its sweet spot in the night sky, the engine's purr could barely be heard in the dimly-lit quiet of the jet's cabin. But reaching their cruising altitude was the least of Laurent and Larry's concern, if it registered at all. Their complete attention was now only on each other.

Their eyes connected; Larry's additionally searching Laurent's intent gaze.  He was actually here, sitting across from Laurent, the man he deeply loved, Larry silently marveled, and they were heading away from Nicaragua, away from Manny, hopefully for good. Larry feared he'd never see this day. It all felt so surreal. Laurent had come for him. He still couldn't believe it, or understand it for that matter.  How was Laurent here?  Was he also a soldier, maybe a mercenary, in addition to being a computer wizard, Larry wondered.  Was that what Laurent couldn't tell him about himself? How did Laurent know where to find him? And how did he even know where in Manny's Villa to find his room? In any regard, Laurent was his hero, his love, the very source of his only real happiness.

Just thinking about it, just looking at Laurent's beautiful, chiseled face as they sat a mere two feet across from each other, on a fancy private jet no less, filled Larry with excitement, awe, and almost dizzying relief.  So much so his eyes started to well up with fresh moisture. Happy tears, this time. Grateful tears.

Larry's emotional state hadn't gone unnoticed. Laurent too was finding he had to fight, to tap down on emotions that were raw and so close to the surface. He reached over, taking his bunny's hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.  Looking into his bunny's loving eyes assured him that throwing all caution to the wind and allowing reckless abandon to lead him to rescue him and Sofia was the right decision. It was so good to see him...and Sofia.

Laurent now had no doubts. His bunny was still his and not Sandoval's, as he momentarily feared.  He knew his actions might come with consequences, but at the moment, Laurent didn't care.  He'd cross that bridge when and if it came.  For now, his bunny was back with him, back where he belonged. That was all that mattered.

The past nearly three weeks since he and Larry had last seen each other hadn't scared him so much as it had made him anxious. But the very real possibility of never seeing Larry again, or worse, something happening to him had been a scary and uncertain time for Laurent. The not knowing how Larry was doing, how he was being treated, coupled with their not being able to talk to or see each other had been, at times, varying degrees of unbearable. 

Given his and Larry's unique knowledge of Sandoval and his obsession with Larry provided both legitimate reasons to fear they might never have seen each other again. How and into what that obsession would manifest was the scariest for Laurent.

Sandoval had become physically abusive towards Larry, in addition to the years of verbal, mental, and possibly emotional abuse Larry had told him he'd been subjected to.  The more Laurent learned about Sandoval, the more was revealed just how deceptively dangerous he truly was, personally as well as professionally.

Sandoval had amassed immeasurable wealth and resources off the backs of people he'd abducted and then sold into modern-day slavery to the highest bidder. To Sandoval, people were nothing more than commodities.  Obviously, Sandoval felt Larry was such a commodity, and as such, he didn't consider Larry as just his husband, but his property as well.  The very thought of that made Laurent seethe inside.  Who could do such a thing to someone they loved.

Sandoval had proven he'd do anything to keep Larry under his control, and somehow, Laurent felt that if Sandoval wasn't captured and brought to justice, he'd still try to get to Larry.  If this was Sandoval's version of love, if it could even be called love, it was the sickest most destructive kind there is. 

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