Where's Izuku?! Part 2

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This is a part two of the last chapter. I had to split it so yeah. Anyway enjoy this chapter.

"No apparently not because he wasn't with them," ectoplasm said, "now it is time children to answer our question, where is Izuku?"

The five children fell silent. They were afraid to speak the truth because if it did, that's it their hero careers were over. The silence has been going on for ten minutes until Katsumi broke down and started crying.

"I'm sorry, we-we-we left him in the forest after s-s-school," Katsumi said while sobbing.

The pro heroes and the parents were shocked to hear what happened.

"WHAT!!" Gran Torino yelled at the blonde for what she did to his grandson.

"Where did you put him" "Why did you do that" "What the hell is wrong with you"  is what filled the room until Nezu stood up on the table. Not wanting to disturb that rat god, everyone sat back down.

"Children. Explain. Now!!" the rat that was born from hell yelled at the frightened children. Never in their lives have they been afraid of a small rat.

Filling up with guilt, the whole group explained what happened that day.


It was a normal day at school. Izuku was in class trying to apply burn cream on his hands from the beating he received from his ex-friends. And speaking of the devil, the devil group was talking about the training they're going to do for the next 10 months of training before the UA exams.

"Ok settle down, settle down class," the teacher yelled to the students.

The class fell silent for the teacher.

"Ok, now that it is your last day of school, you all should be thinking about your futures that lie ahead of you," the teacher explained with a few groans from the students, "but who am I kidding I know you all want to go to the hero track," the teacher explained and the whole class started using their quirks.

"Alright I know you have impressive quirks, but it is still illegal for quirk usage," the teacher explained. Izuku hoped that that is what crossed his bully's mind as they proceeded to torture him for 10 years. Until the blonde bitch spoke.

"Hey, teach, don't lump me and my crew with the rest of these extras were the real deal, if their lucky they might end up as sidekicks to some busted d-lister," the cocky Pomeranian spoke causing boos and insults to go towards him and his group. But anyone knows not to pick a fight with him and his group for they were powerful.

"Oh yeah you and Yagi twins, your sister and the Todoroki twins want to head to UA, right?" the teacher said earning a pained expression from Izuku. Then Bakugo got up to stand on his seat.

"We aced all of the mock exams. We have awesome quirks. Were definitely the only ones that is going to get into UA. And become the top heroes. We'll be super-rich and famous than All Might, and it starts with UA high!!" Katsuki bragged.

"Wait did you say Yagi twins?" one student asked. And that meant death to Izuku.

"Yeah, Izuku and Izumi Yagi are both planning to go to UA high," the teacher reponded.

The class was silent until they started laughing and throwing insults at Izuku.

Izuku just sat there taking it all in. The group just watched as what they tried to achieve failed yet again. This just pissed them off. They knew they had to do something and knew exactly what to do.

~Time skip~

Katsumi and Katsuki are dragging Izuku by the legs towards the forest where their friends said to go. Izuku struggled to get away from them especially after school since both Bakugo twins were chasing him around the school.

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