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Hinote and Yuki's apartment is not what you expect.

On the inside it is a bit messy, but it's floors are clean wood, their kitchen is small with a stove, microwave, dishwasher, and a sink. It has a bathroom which only has a shower, toilet, and sink. In the living room, there was only a small green couch.

Izuku and the two brothers walked in and were out of breath.

"Jesus I thought I might see Mirko in real life fighting a villain, turns out she's fighting my friend," Hinote said, "and here I thought you were actually a vigilante to keep the peace," Hinote claimed being snarky.

"Hey bro you want coffee?" Yuki asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Yes please," Hinote says to which Yuki nodded and started working.

"You want some coffee to Hakuji?" Yuki asked.

"Sure thing," Izuku responded, Izuku then started to look around at their place.

"Nice place you got here," Izuku said admiring the place.

"Yeah you like it, it's pretty much the diamond room out of shitty apartments, the rents were a bitch though... *chuckle* before," Hinote claims and he slouches on the couch wearing a black rain top and green cargo pants.

"Before?" Izuku asked sending a suspicious glare towards Hinote.

"The rents were a bitch before Hinote blackmailed the landlord that he would expose he was ... you know what ask him," Yuki responded before silently quivering being disgusted by the landlord.

"Hey I got him to let us stay at a low cost, your welcome," Hinote said with a smirk on his face.

"Out of blackmailing an old man," Yuki shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm just wondering why there was a second me running away from the alleyway," Izuku said as he started to think about the image he saw, luckily the brothers did not have to hear his muttering spree for the brothers answered before him.

"Oh that's simple. I cooled the air long enough for Hinote to use his fire's bright light to create something called a mirage," Yuki said from the kitchen.

"Oh that makes sense now, you guys controlled the air density to create an illusion of me running," Izuku told them.

"Yeah something like that," Yuki said.

Yuki then walked back into the living room with coffee for his brother and their guest.

"Thanks bro/Thank you" Hinote and Izuku said at the same time.

Izuku then sipped his coffee and was immediately surprised.

"Wow!! This coffee is good," Izuku said.

"Yeah, it's a trade secret what the couple does with their coffee," Hinote claims.

"Couple?" Izuku asked.

"Oh yeah, there is a cafe and it's run by a smoking hot chick, though she's with someone," Hinote says as he pretended to have a sad look on his face.

"Oh, I should visit that place," Izuku said.

"You should. Greatest coffee ever in my life," Yuki claims as he sits down on the floor.

Izuku took a long sip of his coffee and placed it down to ask his friends.

"Hey do you guys have a phone?" Izuku asked.

"Uh, yeah just down the hall, take a left there should be a phone box there," Hinote responded and pointed towards the door.

"Why?" Yuki asked.

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