Assassins Challenge

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Izuku is in front of the Hero Rogue Agency, along with Hinote and Yuki, who came with Izuku. Izuku is wearing makeshift foot covers, bags, and gloves from a store.

"Why did you come here again, Hakuji?" Yuki asked.

"Isn't it obvious Iceberg, he's doing vigilante justice," Hinote answered Izuku, a little curious about what Izuku was looking for.

'Just looking for anything related to demons. I got bags for my feet and some gloves. This should prevent any interference with the crime scene for the authorities to get enough evidence,' Izuku thought, but there was one issue he had.

"Stay here," Izuku instructed the two brothers.

"What, why us!?" Hinote questioned him.

"Because you would touch everything," Yuki said to his brother.

"I don't touch everything-"

"Remember that strippers rule, "Look but don't touch," yeah you broke that along with every pot at that china shop," Yuki told his brother.

"I'm telling you, I heard the devil inside that pot!" Hinote screamed.

"Listen, I'm only going to be gone for 10 minutes," Izuku told them as if he was talking to the kids, "just stay here and hide if there is anyone around, okay, even if it's the cops or heroes."

"We're not kids," Hinote said, "and if the cops do show up, what happens to you?"

"I'll take care of myself," Izuku reassured Hinote, "just stay here and do not get spotted. If you do, just run."

"We're not that weak, Hakuji; we can handle ourselves," Yuki told Izuku. In truth, Izuku knew that, but when it came to demons, he knew that he had to be the one to take all the hits and eliminate the demons, Yuki and Hinote would be dead before they could kill them.

"I know that!" Izuku immediately shot him down. He took a deep breath and sighed; Izuku's outburst took aback both brothers, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

Yuki and Hinote were silent when he said that. They only met him a month ago, and now he looks after them like a protective father. Was he always protective over his friends and family, or was he doing something potentially stupid and dangerous?

Izuku then walked away from the situation and into the crime scene. Izuku began looking around and using his senses to find clues or traces of a demon attack.

Izuku walked down the hallway as his senses got stronger. He then caught the smell of something that almost seemed familiar.

Izuku walked towards the scent until it got even stronger; he then walked into what seemed like a meeting room.

And to say it was a meeting room was a bit troubling. There were slash and claw marks everywhere and bits of wood furniture around. The table was broken, and the chairs were smashed. The windows were broken, and the wind blew through them. On the carpet and walls, there was blood everywhere.

This scene looked tragic, making Izuku shed a few tears, knowing they must have died painfully because of demons.

'They must have suffered," Izuku silently thought. As he wipes his tears, he sniffs and then catches that strong scent again. He kept sniffing the air until he looked directly at the source of the smell.

It was under a broken table. Izuku carefully lifted the table to see a broken vial. There was blood inside the vial.

Izuku drew his face close to the blood to notice something shocking. The scent was strong, but he knew this scent.

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