Blood Battle

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Currently,  Izuku was trying to decide how to handle the fight without getting the attention of Pro heroes, at least that's what he was trying to do. He is currently on top of a building with a group of demons out for his skin. All their attention was on him and him alone. He needed to get back to Hinote and Yuki, but he couldn't lead the demons toward them. He figured that if he is going to get back to them, he needs to fight each and every demon and kill them.

"Sorry Yuki and Hinote, just hold on a little longer, I'll get back to you after this!" Izuku says as he ran straight towards the demons with his Nichirin brass knuckles jutting out of his fist.

The first demon ran towards Izuku with intent to kill only for him to be met with Izuku's fist in the face.

In half a second his fist destroyed the upper part of the demon's head. Izuku taking the opportunity planted his right foot and turned his left foot and with his Nichirin soled shoes chopped off his head.

Then a second demon came and attempted to punch Izuku, only for him to be knocked back and hit with Izuku's kick that destroyed his neck.

Two demons attempted to crush Izuku with their combined strength but they missed once Izuku jumped in the air. Izuku went upside down and his fists glowed with blue shockwaves and he launched them at the two demons, these shockwaves however grew stronger and bigger, he then unleashed large shockwaves of Destructive Death: Disorder.

The shockwaves traveled toward the two demons. However one demon jumped in front of the shockwaves and instead of moving, his skin suddenly started to harden and his entire body turned jagged and hard as if his skin turned as hard as a rock.


As the smoke settled, Izuku looked for damage, however, was shocked. He saw that the shockwaves did nothing. The demon took the shockwaves,  with smoke hissing from their body and the ground beneath their feet crumbling.

"Did you expect me to come unprepared, Kizuki? As I'd expect, you haven't realized that demons outrank our own predecessors, they were weak before, but now in this time we are stronger than them," the demon spoke, "not only demon's blood but also quirks too. They flow within us. And now we're taking you down!"

Izuku sensed one demon behind him, swung his leg, and destroyed his neck. However, he realized something.

"Tell me, you regenerated your neck right after I destroyed it, is that right," Izuku asked as he saw the demon he killed regenerate its neck and its head.

"We're all connected, so you can't kill me without killing everyone here!" The demon clone shouted as three demons sprinted towards Izuku.

Izuku jumped back and flipped upside down. He clenched his fist as it glowed with a shimmer of blue hue. He cocked his fist back behind his head to launch a shockwave towards them.

One demon who unfortunately couldn't dodge in time had fallen victim to Izuku's shockwaves and once they were hit launched them towards a wall.

'What is going on? Why are there no heroes coming to this place?' Izuku asked, right now if it was almost sunrise or at least it was going to be in a couple of hours; he was worried about falling victim to the sun again. Izuku looking outwards, saw something that was peculiarly weird the buildings, for as far as he could tell, weren't lighting up or at least looked like someone was living there. But then it hit him. From where he was, he was in Tokyo. He was near Shizuoka, and it took him nearly a hundred meters to come to Tokyo. And he knew that it would never be possible for the city to go dark. So why is everything so dark and had a big absence of light?

Then he remembered hearing something Hinote pointed out.

Water dripping. That's it, they're either in an illusion, or it could be a dream he is in.

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