Eraserhead's shocking discovery

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In a room we see ten pro heroes. All of them were gathered to discuss the recent attacks and deaths concerning this unnamed group of criminals who perform cannibalism.

The one standing in front of a board is the small furry devil in disguise, Nezu the principal of UA.

Along with him are 9 pro heroes. One of them actually are on the top.

The sleepy hero who is associated with the underground, is Eraserhead.

The others are, Nemuri Kayama, the rated R hero Midnight.

All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye.

Pro hero who was screaming with his quirk since the day he was born, Present Mic.

All Mights former mentor, Gran Torino

The Flame hero, Endeavor.

And four pro hero's from UA, Snipe, 13, Cementoss and Ectoplasm.

"Alright, now that some of us are here, there is an issue I think we should all discuss," Nezu said as he pressed a button to reveal a crime scene of a half-eaten human, "there is an increase of cannibalism and attacks around Japan. The police force can't get any information on the suspects and there are more of them coming from every direction."

"Is it a cult or a group?" Midnight asked.

"It might as well be, we made a theory that there is a group of unknown villains that are performing these acts of cannibalism either because of their quirks or through rituals, there were some survivors but they kept their lips sealed, what they saw must have scared them to death," Eraserhead told them, "recently for the past years these deaths have been increasing and we couldn't identify a single member of this so called cult. Until there is one criminal we have identified."

The board then showed a picture of the Hand Demon or Hand villain which they call it now.

"The Hand Villain has been performing mass cannibalism for 3 years and we've guessed that his quirk derives from flesh due to his recent murders, that's where we got the theory from and he was the first to be noticed among this group of villains," Eraserhead summarized.

"Ok then so we just find this villain and force him to tell us where his allies are?" Gran Torino stated.

"It's not that easy Gran Torino, we've only been able to identify him because he rarely shows his face out in public during the day, at night we have a chance," Ectoplasm explained.

"Huh? Why at night?" Endeavor asked.

"Why else? There are fewer heroes at night, so it's the perfect time to attack people still on the streets without a hero's attention," Eraserhead stated.

"Then we can just have the more heroes out on the streets and take shifts," 13 stated confused.

"But if we do that we can put stress on heroes and the public, there would be fear among the civilians for the recent increase in heroes in the streets," Nezu stated while sipping a cup of tea.

"For now we're having a group of heroes investigating the matter, as well as curfew for everyone to follow, the 10 heroes in here will patrol around the streets to look for these villains. Once we find them, we do anything we can to try to incapacitate them in hopes of them giving out the information of their group or why they are doing this," Sir Nighteye stated.

"What about Hero work studies? Shouldn't our students be aware of the situation at hand?" Snipe asked.

"We might as well report this to the agencies they are working under to prevent any interference with the investigations, however, if they do find something relating to the matter we should have them keep it secret and listen to what they found, I'm also sending this information to all the heroes of Japan," Nezu instructed the UA teachers receiving nods from all of them.

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